I have two pieces of information to pass along to you:
- New email address for the podcast: thinklikealeader@gmail.com
- New series of episodes forthcoming. The general topic is key principles/characteristics of an effective leader. A sampling of topics is:
- good listener
- compassionate
- reliable
- leader vs. manager
- consistent
- risk-taker
- unselfish
It is very important for you to participate by suggesting additional topics (key principles or characteristics), making general comments, telling stories about your experiences with good (or poor) leaders, or asking questions to be addressed on the episodes.
You can contribute to this podcast in any of the following ways:
- Email me <-- (click on the link)
- Podcast hotline: 206/984-3136
- Leave comments by using the link shown below
If you have not done so already, please subscribe to this podcast (via iTunes™) so you can receive all episodes automatically.