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Episode 28: Lucy Gray & Carol Anne McGuire, Part 1

My special guests for this episode are Lucy Gray and Carol Anne McGuire.

Lucy Gray is an Instructional Technology Specialist at the University of Chicago (IL) Center for Elementary Math and Science Education.  Among her numerous awards are having been named an Apple Distinguished Educator (2005), Discovery Educator Network Star Teacher, and Google Certified Teacher.  Lucy is a popular speaker at national and international conferences.  Also, Lucy has a strong reputation as a collector and organizer of robust online resources, using such technologies as blogs, wikis, nings, Twitter, and Facebook, among others.

Carol Anne McGuire is a teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist at the New Village Leadership Academy in Calabasas, CA.  Formerly, she was an award-winning teacher of blind and visually impaired students.  The fact that amazes most people is that Carol Anne was teaching these visually impaired students to make videos!!  Those videos have been shown around the world.
Among the awards and recognitions that have come Carol Anne's way are: Apple Distinguished Educator (2004), Discovery Educator Network Star Teacher, Google Certified Teacher, Top Online Educator, Disney Teacher of the Year, SMARTBoard Exemplary Educator, American Film Institute Screen Educator, and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Teacher of the Year (2008).  Like Lucy, Carol Anne is a highly-sought after keynote speaker, as well as workshop leader, at professional conferences around the globe.
Carol Anne also serves as "Lead Rocker" for an internationally-acclaimed project, "Rock Our World."

So, you can see that I was highly honored to be able to share conversation with these two outstanding ladies.  Their ideas on improving education are stellar.  You will discover that, as you listen to this episode, if you hadn't known it already.

This episode represents Part One of a two-part series.  I believe you will be inspired and stirred by listening to these fabulous educators.  Please send your questions and comments.

If you wish to contact either Lucy or Carol Anne, they can be reached by clicking on the links to their names.

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