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Episode 27: Vicki Davis - Flat Classroom

Our special guest for this episode is
Ms. Vicki Davis, a very successful classroom teacher in Camilla, GA.  Vicki is also a grant-winning educator who has created several collaborative projects involving students and schools around the world.

Vicki and/or her projects have won several awards.   She and her co-collaborator, Julie Lindseay (Qatar Academy, Qatar), have built a global audience around their Flat Classroom Project.

Flat Classroom Project 

Other projects in which Vicki is active include:
  1. Net Gen Ed
  2. Digiteens

As you listen to Vicki's comments during this episode, I believe you will be struck with the reality that this teacher is dedicated, motivated, and determined to prepare her students for success in the 21st Century -- and in a global environment.

Should you wish to contact Vicki, she can be reached at

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