Here I be, footloose and fancy free in 2006. Who knew one day I would resemble a cauliflower.

This badass is
Cauliflower-Purple of Sicily. These Italian heirloom seeds where purchased from one of the raddest seed suppliers around,
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. If I don't attend the
Spring Planting Festival in May I'm going to run away to

A flawless cauliflower! Planted in the
shade garden and undisturbed by the insect infested broccoli raab that sat next to it. I fearlessly snapped off a shoot and consumed it immediately. Normally I wouldn't do that considering I spit out a slug recently. Oh yeah, no joke, it was living in my salad. Bleh.
Pretty and delicious. Mild and not at all caulilflowery. I roasted half in a little olive oil, sea salt, and ground pepper. The other half I’ll eat raw. Clear out room if you like cauliflower because I highly recommend this variety. I’ve never harvested such a perfect vegetable.