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Ideas and voices from across New York City, brought to you by
WNYC Culture » Lecture Podcast
Joss Kyle is a man on the run. Defecting from the U.S., he is hunted by a cardsharps, hit men, spies, criminals, and a high-court judge. Surviving by the quickness of his fingers on the turn of a card, he's made his way to the off-world colonies, unaware of the deadly battle that lies before him that may consume the solar system in its wake. He doesn't know this - he only knows that he's one step away from his long-sought freedom.
And he knows that in this contest, it’s not whether you win or lose. It’s how you rig the game.
The Antithesis Progression is a science fiction spy thriller series, produced as a full-cast audiobooks with original music and soundscaping. New episodes appear every second Wednesday. Harsh language, graphic violence, sexual themes and situations.
The Antithesis Progression
Los podcasts de SCALAE.NET ponen a disposición de las personas interesadas en la ARQUITECTURA española e internacional, conversaciones entre arquitectos y sobre arquitectura registradas habitualmente en el Centro de Enlace AE de BARCELONA.
Las CONVERSACIONES son, en ocasiones, colectivas, otras veces referidas a LUGARES, a AUTORES o a PROYECTOS y OBRAS o, eventualmente, relacionadas con información sobre EVENTOS o INSTITUCIONES. Moneo, Ferrater, Pinós, Mangado, Mansilla y Tuñón, Llinás, Paredes y Pedrosa, Bohigas, GalÃ, Ruiz-Geli, Massad, ... se mezclan en sus comentarios con los de estudiantes, profesores y profesionales de arquitectura, responsables institucionales y culturales y... tantas gentes de interés que transitan por la arquitectura española.
Scalae podcast
SMAC is a WebTV channel focusing on contemporary art.
The channel includes coverage of major art events, interviews with influential art world personalities, and general themes surrounding the art world such as how art is created; how art is taught; what the relationship between art and the environment is; how and where art affects social and political changes; and whatʼs happening in the art market. is a ScribeLabs initiative.
SMAC: ScribeMedia Art Culture
The Rock and Roll Geek and The Fashionable Lesbian dish the latest Hollywood Gossip.
Doin' Hollywood
Rome Review: English Tongues in the Eternal City. Join Charlie Q and company for discussions on life in Rome from inside the walls of the Eternal City.
Rome Review
Ye Olde Boombox, is a band/recording project based in Brooklyn NYC.
Lo-Fi recordings for lovers of music.
Ye Olde Boombox
Imago is and is going to become a "World radio".
The audience rating is clear: Imago has got regular listeners in every web covered corner in the world. From Greece to China, from the USA to Sweden, from Cape Town to Tokyo, Baden Baden and Sydney.
Radio Imago
La commedia dell'
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Interviste inedite a grandi registi e attori della scena teatrale italiana, letture sceniche di testi e poesie, le registrazioni dal vivo di spettacoli di Commedia e non.
Grazie a www.commediadellarte.ue, oggi puoi scaricare ed ascoltare il grande Teatro Italiano dove e come preferisci.
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Italiano \ Arts \ Performing Arts
Italiano \ Society & Culture \ Personal Journals
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Interviste inedite a grandi registi e attori della scena teatrale italiana, letture sceniche di testi e poesie, le registrazioni dal vivo di spettacoli di Commedia e non.
Grazie a www.commediadellarte.ue, oggi puoi scaricare ed ascoltare il grande Teatro Italiano dove e come preferisci.
La commedia dell'
Le nuove puntate di Senza Filtro, un programma di Daniele Sacco, in onda ogni sabato dalle 14 alle 16 sulle frequenze di Publiradio Network ( e, in streaming audio, su Diffidate dalle imitazioni!
Senza Filtro / Reloaded
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