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Design Snacks is an extension of the ever-popular CreativeXpert Design Interviews audio program, featuring up to the minute tips, tricks, found links and lightheartedness. It's like a bacon-wrapped doughnut, dipped in gravy (on a stick)
CreativeXpert Design Snacks
Geek Pop is a free online music festival featuring songs about science. The festival brings together science-inspired artists from around the globe in a gleeful celebration of geek culture. All festival-goers can download a free podcast full of event highlights. So grab your virtual wellies and prepare to unleash your inner geek.
To find out more about Geek Pop or to download individual tracks, go to:
To register for Geek Pop updates, go to:
geek pop
A Daily (M-F) Technology Podcast: Tech News Highlights from Slashdot, Digg and Reddit
Slashdot Review - Produced by SDR News
The behind-the-scenes podcast of FuncWorks discussing software development, graphic design, and technology startups.
Feel The Func
Discussions of science fiction and fantasy books being read by the Sword and Laser online book club.
The Sword and Laser
A very "special" look at cinema.
Movie Criticism for the Retarded
Broadcasting every two weeks on Thursdays, the Image Doctors Rick Walker and Jason Odell discuss photography and imaging technology. This a talk radio show from Nikonians - The Worldwide Home for Nikon Photographers
Nikonians Podcasts :: The Nikonians Image Doctors
RadioWayne - Interview with Steve Bryant of Athena Voltaire!
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Free Comic Book Day
Iron Man
Indiana Jones
and an interview with Steve Bryant of Athena Voltaire
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A Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!
Athena Voltaire, Flight of the Falcon is our Indy Pick!
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Radio Wayne
Supergirl on Smallville, Avengers Reborn, Pink Panther 2, Geek Parties, etc.Trade of the Week: The Immortal Iron Fist - The Last Iron Fist StoryDownload
RadioWayne Geek News & Reviews 8-9-2007
Supergirl on Smallville, Avengers Reborn, Pink Panther 2, Geek Parties, etc.Trade of the Week: The Immortal Iron Fist - The Last Iron Fist StoryDownload
RadioWayne Geek News & Reviews 8-9-2007
Underline your TV Guides!VOICEMAIL LINE: 206-426-7171Sponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!To much TV? No way!
Radio Wayne #26 - Fall TV Picks
The CGS Super Show is just days away!VOICEMAIL LINE: 206-426-7171Sponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!CGSSS? Yes Yes Yes!
Radio Wayne #25 - The Super Show Pre-Show Show
Spano & Wayne in Manhattan!My next Manga picks...ANNIHILATION BOOK 1VOICEMAIL LINE: 206-426-7171Sponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!The status is NOT quo!
Radio Wayne #24 - Wayne Annihilates Manhattan
The Dark KnightDr. Horrible's Sing Along BlogEssex County vol. 1 Tales From the FarmNEW NEW VOICEMAIL LINE: 206-426-7171Sponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!The world is a mess and I just want to rule it!
Radio Wayne #23 - Dr. Horrible vs. The Dark Knight
Social Networks... my personal historyNEW VOICEMAIL LINE: 206-666-2091Sponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Happy Birthday Boyscout!!
Radio Wayne #22 - Social Networks
Superman is 70!NEW VOICEMAIL LINE: 206-666-2091Sponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Happy Birthday Boyscout!!
Radio Wayne #21 - Superman is 70!
M.I.M.E.S. talk with Harold Jennett and more!!NEW VOICEMAIL LINE: 206-666-2091Sponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!M.I.M.E.S. baby, M.I.M.E.S.!
RadioWayne - M.I.M.E.S. talk with Harold Jennett and more!!
Comics in the Classroom with Tina Cordova!Here's the article linkSponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Give a kid a comic!
RadioWayne - Comics in the Classroom
Free Comic Book DayIron ManIndiana Jonesand an interview with Steve Bryant of Athena VoltaireSponsored by HeroesCorner.comemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Athena Voltaire, Flight of the Falcon is our Indy Pick!
RadioWayne - Interview with Steve Bryant of Athena Voltaire!
Role Playing Memoriesemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!20-sided dice is how I roll!
RadioWayne - Role Playing Memories
An interview with the guys at HeroesCorner.comSorry for the sound RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Download
RadioWayne - Interview
MEGACON!!email: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Download
RadioWayne - MegaCon 2008 show!
email: RadioWayne@gmail.comvoicemail: 352-397-4615forum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Download
Radio Wayne Geek News & Reviews 2-22-08
3rd Annual Wayne's Choice Awardsemail: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Download
RadioWayne - 3rd Annual Wayne's Choice Awards
On the road this time, and I'm talking about my latest acquisitions!email: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Download
Radio Wayne - We're Baaaack!
Here is a link to all of the Saturday Morning Cartoon ads we are talking about!
Saturday Morning Cartoon Ads
Marvel Comics on Thursday unveiled the covers to Captain America #34, which feature a new Captain America designed by Alex Ross.The images above are the covers for the issue, featuring art by Ross and series artist Steve Epting, as well as design art by Ross."Captain America is one of the true iconic super heroes of our time and to design the new look for a new Cap, we had to go with the most iconic, preeminent painter of our time -- Alex Ross," said Dan Buckley, Marvel's president of publishing.Marvel did not reveal who the new Captain America is, but confirmed it is not Steve Rogers.Captain America #34 will be in stores on Jan. 16. Ross' cover will also be released as a poster on Jan. 9.
I went to Reading, PA this weekend for Comic Geek Speak's episode 300 celebration. I talked to several creators and message board members about the event!email: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Download
RadioWayne - CGS 300 Recap Show
Junior High Casting Calls, Justice League, Star Trek Movie, Punisher: War ZoneTrade of the Week: Kekkaishi volume 1 (our first Manga review)email: RadioWayne@gmail.comforum: TheComicForums.comA Proud Member of the Comics Podcast Network!Download
RadioWayne Geek News & Reviews 8-31-2007
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Radio Wayne
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