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CWF Game Cast » Enhanced Podcast
We’re doing something a little different this time. There is so much going on that fully covering everything would overload you with information. Instead we’re grouping it all together and giving you the highlights. If you want to know more … Continue reading →
This Week in Gaming – October 24, 2010
Tonight was Flames of War night at Battleground Games in Abington. It also was my first game of Flames of War. I have worked on a mid-war Panzerkompanie for a very long time but don’t know how to play the … Continue reading →
First Flames of War Game
Battleground Games & Hobbies celebrated the Grand Opening of its Plainville location on Saturday, October 16, 2010. The fun started at 10am and CWF GameCast began the party at 9:30am with a quick stop to nearby Dunkin Donuts to fuel … Continue reading →
Battleground Games Plainville Celebrates Grand Opening
Battlefront Miniatures, the maker of Flames of War, has some great new product hitting shelves at a Friendly Local Game Store near you. This time we’re sharing a peek at Major General Montgomery for the Early War. It retails for … Continue reading →
Flames of War Sneak Peek – Major General Montgomery
The folks at Battlefront Miniatures, the makers of Flames of War, have been busy lately. Word from a former FoW designer is that Battlefront is now working on version 3 of Flames of War. This is really early news so … Continue reading →
Flames of War Restructuring and Version 3 Coming Soon
Host Jonathan J. Reinhart brings you this solo mini-cast to discuss some important reminders and announcements. Jonathan briefly discusses his guest appearance on the debut episode of The Gate Stormers. He states why listeners may like this other podcast and he focuses a spotlight on the contest/giveaway he created at the end of The Gate [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 48 1/2: War at Sea Contest Reminder
Hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet’s record together for the first time in weeks. Jonathan reviews his first trip to a con when he attended TotalCon 25. Tom recounts his trip to the Californian Bay area with coverage of their local book and game stores. Some discussion is held of Rick Priestley leaving Games [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 48: TotalCon 25 and Bay Area Travels
Host Jonathan J. Reinhart explains Tom Barbalet’s absence for this episode. He introduces Bill Dettmers, CEO and Owner of, for this special episode of the podcast. As owner of, Bill is the one who orchestrated the sponsorship of the CWF Game Cast and Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show. Jonathan and Bill discuss [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 47: 12-7-Games and War at Sea With Bill Dettmers
Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet adhere to the 60 minute format discussing a myriad of topics. Both discuss their last two weeks of gaming. Jonathan discusses his first glance of Side Quest 002 Goblins in the Streets. The Name Our Podcast contest is updated. Tom reviews a multitude of Osprey Publishing books and [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 46: Goblins, Osprey, and TotalCon Oh My!
Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet catch up after Tom’s absence. Tom discusses the Close Combat computer games and their relation to Flames of War. Jonathan discusses World of Warcraft and Hobbit Houses. He follows up with Zombie Dice and the board game Pandemic as played with his friend Paul Castillo. Both cover their [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 45: Hello 2011
Host Jonathan J. Reinhart explains Tom’s absence (food poisoning). He highlights his week in wargaming spending time discussing Feast of Winter Veil in World of Warcraft. This is the last episode of 2010. Jonathan mentions some changes for the podcast and that new episodes will resume the first week of January, 2011. One big change [...]
CWF GameCast: Episode 44 Rename Our Podcast
Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet discuss their weeks in gaming. Jonathan focuses on the Cataclysm expansion to World of Warcraft. Tom discusses a recent trip to a local game store, which he previously described as “unfriendly” but one that has a lot of Flames of War product. Some discussion is held of Games [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 43: Welcome Cataclysm! For Real This Time
Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet discuss their weeks in gaming. Jonathan focuses on the Cataclysm expansion to World of Warcraft. Tom discusses a recent trip to a local game store, which he previously described as “unfriendly” but one that has a lot of Flames of War product. Some discussion is held of Games [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 43: Welcome Cataclysm!
Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet discuss their weeks in gaming. Jonathan focuses on his recent game of Dungeons & Dragons. Tom discusses work on his Noble Warfare simulation. A lively discussion, in which the pair disagrees, of Games Workshop price points for models ensues. The focus is guest J. “Joe” James Beaudoin and [...]
CWF Game Cast Episode 42: Battlestar Galactica Wiki and J. James Beaudoin
Jonathan J. Reinhart solos this mini-cast. He reminds everyone that J “Joe” James Beaudoin will be the first guest for the CWF Game Cast in Episode 42. Episode 42 will be published late Monday night or early Tuesday morning. Jonathan and co-host Tom Barbalet will talk with Joe about a myriad of topics including, but [...]
CWF GameCast Episode 41 1/2: First Guest Reminder J James Beaudoin
Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet discuss the 2010 Holiday Gift Guide. This return to the annual gift guide highlights our picks for this holiday season. Our respective weeks in gaming includes Jonathan discussing the book Spies of the Balkans by Alan Furst as inspiration for Flames of War. Tom discusses his Noble Warfare [...]
CWF GameCast Episode 41: Holiday Gift Guide 2010
Co-hosts Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet discuss a multitude of historical gaming topics and discuss a HUGE bit of inside news from Games Workshop. Our respective weeks in gaming includes Tom discussing the Chechen Wars and their impact on his novel and RPG. The duo engage in a lively analysis of the merits of [...]
CWF GameCast Episode 40: Gaming Historically
This is the first of the new conversational style podcasts with Jonathan J. Reinhart and Tom Barbalet co-hosting. We discuss our previous week in gaming focusing on Tom writing his own RPG based on a novel he’s written. We also discuss my trials and tribulations with Flames of War (this has since been rectified in [...]
CWF GameCast Episode 39: When Jonathan Met Tom
This is an “old style” podcast. Tom and I will be co-hosting the new style soon. I discuss my appearance on the Stone Ape Podcast. You can listen to it at Stone Ape #19: New England Gaming Vegas with Jonathan Reinhart [October 31, 2010]. An update on my Flames of War Panzerkompanie along with my [...]
CWF GameCast Episode 38: Historical Gaming Roundup
This is hopefully the last of the old style of podcasts. I am officially returning to podcasting. Details pertaining to frequency and schedule are being ironed out but the podcast will focus, along with the blog, on historical gaming and New England gaming. I discuss the podcast’s new direction in this episode alone with some [...]
CWF GameCast Episode 37: Returning to Podcasting, Flames of War, and War at Sea Fleet Commander Pre-Order Special
This is a mini-cast to verbally announce my guest appearance on the Stone Ape Podcast by Tom Barbalet. I discuss how I came to be invited by Tom, who he is and what he does, and also gloss over some of the topics I hope to discuss on the Stone Ape Podcast. Don’t forget that [...]
CWF-2010-30-10 Guest Starring on Stone Ape Podcast