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Apartment videos give you the insight you need when choosing your next apartment home.
The 'Two Beers With Steve' Podcast is an informal discussion of current trends in the economy, the scarcity of energy, and the depletion of the environment and the need to begin preparations for a vastly different future in the upcoming years. The idea of the podcast began in the internet forums of the website. The members of the site began discussing the issues brought forth in the 'Crash Course' video series on the website. About every other episode we invite a guest to help educate ourselves on areas of our interest we perceive as vital in the years ahead.
Two Beers With Steve Podcast
For Christos Margetis, the spin on search engine marketing makes his blood boil. And this from a man who decided to stop paying insane amounts of money on pay per click advertising, having already achieved to place his other eighteen months previous business as the most popular small scale search engine in the world, according to Alexa rankings.
Christos Margetis launched his new search engine marketing podcast, in order to give advertisers and publishers a more efficient way doing business online, fighting expensive pay per click advertising, click fraud and insecure online transactions.
Search Engine Marketing Unleashed
The Business of Green series focuses on the intersection of business and sustainability. Fortune's editors and host Olivia Zaleski look at the people and companies driving change and solutions for today's business leaders.
Fortune: The Business of Green
ECO zeigt auf, was die Wirtschaftswelt bewegt. Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe für einmal nicht nur faktentreu erzählt, sondern Wirtschaftswissen
mit Mehrwert für jedermann. Aktuell und kritisch. Jeden Montag um 22.20 auf SF1
Short Term Trading LIVE with OSCAR
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Facebook Made Easy
[3] Channel è una Tv innovativa
proiettata verso nuove forme di comunicazione televisiva, visibile in chiaro sul satellite: Sky canale 904 e Hotbird 8 - 13° Est – Freq. 11604 Pol.
BC TODAY Vodcast
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La BC Today nasce nel 1991 dalla confluenza di esperienze pluriennali nell’ambito di creatività, grafica, produzione e post-produzione audio e video.
L’impostazione classica da agenzia (strategia di comunicazione, creatività, consulenza e pianificazione media) viene da subito potenziata con l’impegno preciso di produrre on site gli elementi della comunicazione studiati per il cliente.
Nel 1993, percependo i vantaggi delle tecnologie emergenti, si avvia l’
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implementazione della divisione dedicata al multimedia (web e authoring multimediale) definendo così la mission aziendale accennata nei primi anni di attività: creare e produrre per la comunicazione.
La soddisfazione di aver partecipato a tanti progetti in molteplici ambiti della comunicazione sia BtoB che BtoC, è stata negli anni la motivazione per continuare a credere e investire in tecnologia, risorse e aggiornamento professionale tanto da diventare il punto di riferimento creativo e produttivo non solo per le aziende, ma anche per importanti gruppi multinazionali della comunicazione.
Cultura, ampiezza degli ambiti di intervento, innovazione, cura del dettaglio e affidabilità confermano la nostra essenza di marca: essere il partner giusto per la comunicazione.
La configurazione attuale, in continuo divenire, e il gruppo di lavoro preparato e orientato al problem solving, costituiscono una delle più brillanti ed efficaci realtà creative del settore, oltre che una struttura produttiva capace di fornire il supporto realizzativo a qualsiasi progetto di comunicazione.
BC Today: Creatività, tecnologia, risultati.
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Short and sweet - with non-techy tips that you can put to use immediately. Covers everything from image composition to post processing. No matter if you use a digital point-and-shoot or an expensive digital SLR. With a good sense of humour, Chris Marquardt manages to convey tips for the beginner as well as the professional photographer
Digital Photography Tips from the Top Floor (Audio/Video)
Weekly Podcast about Web Design, Development and Search Engine Optimisation from the Creare Group. Learn more about the industry, including Web Design advice alongside handy HTML, CSS and PHP tips.
Creare Group: Web Design & SEO Video Blog
Walls Speak: The Narrative Art of Hildreth Meière is an exhibition on view at the National Building Museum. This video series presents the exhibition's curator, Catherine Coleman Brawer, discussing the work of Art Deco muralist and mosaicist Hildreth Meière (1892–1961). Special thanks to Hildreth Meière Dunn for providing in situ photographs of art work. Visit the National Building museum online for more podcasts and video.
Walls Speak: The Narrative Art of Hildreth Meière
The LANDSPLOITATION Podcast hosts experimental video and audio documenting the social experience of the human landscape, including but not limited to the spaces of the built environment, vernacular architecture, proxemics, human interaction, and political boundaries. Submissions from independent scholars, photographers, and filmmakers are welcome. To submit, please insure that sound or video is hosted on a public server (such as and email the link together with a brief description of your piece to landscapestudies (at) gmail (dot) com.
Animation Highlights.
PNW Podcast
Hip Hip Colorado Denver
Diamond Boi Music (iPod)
Image slideshows of weddings photographed by Derek Montgomery Photography in Duluth, MN.
Derek Montgomery Photo Videos
Atelier Visit is a show about creativity. Each episode we interview a different Artist ideally in their studio Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Store
Atelier Visit
Audio and Video podcast so you can always get the mp3 of a nice performance for your iPod
to support me and buy the songs, just go to:
Muzik 4 machines is a minimal electro tech project from Montreal, Canada. Performing Live with hardware sequencers and synthesizers for more than 15 years
Space Elevator Muzik For Machines By Machines
Come and see what Harrison Marsburger in 1978 called "simultaneously, the single greatest and most terrifying thing ever to happen to comedic videos." Gelastica, laughter bottled at the source.®
Gelastica Productions
Christie's ArtCasts offer video and audio gallery talks by Christie's International Specialists about fine art, antiques, wine, jewelry and watches. Learn more about upcoming sales and notable past highlights worldwide. For more information about Christie's gallery talks and worldwide auctions visit Christie's on the Web at
Christie's ArtCasts
Available in select ski and snowboard shops in August 2009, Wasatch: A High Definition Documentary by Parker Cross is poised to deliver a diverse and compelling new look at the action sports industry, and how it affects the Wasatch front areas of Ogden, Salt Lake City, and Provo/Orem, Utah. With action, interviews, and a whole lot of hard work, the filmmakers and the athletes are combining their years of experience in the field, and preparing to deliver a great film. This bi-monthly podcast is designed to build hype for the film itself, and allow for greater user interaction with the final production. Please feel free to email us at or check us out in HD on Vimeo at
Wasatch: The Official Production Podcast
The creative, technical, and practical issues of image making. Time-based media (film & video cinematography) is the primary focus, but all imagery (photography, advertising, and art) is germane to our discussion.
This is an ENHANCED podcast wherein images discussed are contained as Album Artwork in iTunes, as well as viewable in Quicktime.
ImageMethod Podcast
Music videos of senior photo sessions from Beth Forester Photography, located in Madison WV.
Forester Photo Videos
Hawaii's wedding photography at it's best. Based on Oahu and providing service to all islands. listen and learn how to plan you special day in paradise and let us help you capture every special moment. aloha and hope to see you soon.
Wedding Podcast Show
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