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Take one inspired cook with a national and international reputation for mouth-watering home cooked creations. Add one chef who creates five star restaurant masterpieces on a daily basis. Mix the magnificent setting of the Barossa Valley in South Australia with the abundance of local seasonal produce and garnish with plenty of good humour.
The Cook and the Chef - Tips
Short animation films and documentaries created by Art+Design students at North Carolina State University College of Design.
Art+Design Animation Podcast
Delicious meets healthy and it's never been easier, and tasted so good! If you haven't caught Delicious TV's Totally Vegetarian on public television, catch some of our tasty Cholesterol free recipes here, with host Toni Fiore as she whips up some of her favorites, like Better than Classic Lasagna, Hot Jamaican Jerk Tofu, a savory Tempeh Club Sandwich, and Mock Maryland Crab-Cakes, even a carnivore can delight in. Come and savor the flavor.
Delicious TV Veg (video)
National Television is a design and animation studio based on creative collaboration, and kept intact by a sense of humor and desire to work with good people on good projects.
National Television
Secret History is a secret society composed of two members currently based in Los Angeles, California. The founding fathers of Secret History are Cory Shaw of Buildestroy and Ryan Flanery of Reel Roots. They are bent on a global takeover of historic proportions through their formula of edutainment in visual sciences. They create an alchemic blend of ancient and future hermetic knowledges distilled into both binary and cellulose. Like the wise owl that sees in the dark they illuminate screens in the most mysterious of ways.
As masters of many crafts they are able to maintain a vison and quality for many varying budgets. They literally do everything specializing in storyboards, writing, art direction, shooting, editorial, motion design, visual effects, 3D CG, compositing, coloring, and finishing. A self contained unit they are able to create very unique work. This gives Secret History a lethal advantage over virtually all competition, as this workflow allows them to successfully work with budgets of all size, allowing the focus to remain on the quality of the content. Mr. Flanery’s visionary storytelling and editorial skills perfectly compliment Mr. Shaw’s fine art vision and graphic abilities making their combination in Secret History very potent. Not ones to be limited they are expanding from the music video realm into commercials, webisodes, short films, and features.
Mad Media is San Diego based creative agency offering professional print, web, and film production. We produce films and commercials about professional athletes, musicians, and artists. We focus on sports and cultures that we are passionate about, like skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, motocross, FMX, BMX, off-road racing, rally racing, Hip-Hop, Punk Rock and MMA. We've been keeping it real it since 1996.
Mad Media Films Podcast
Photography tutorials and videos posted every Wednesday. Hosted by Ted Forbes. For previous shows and additional content, visit our website - Get beyond camera reviews and tech talk. Lets dig deeper into the art of making photographs!
The Art of Photography
Atlantide.TV Video Podcast
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Playing on La nostra idea di tv e' molto essenziale e assolutamente democratica: chiunque abbia qualche cosa di interessante da dire e la capacita' tecnica di raccontarlo potra' avere un nostro passaggio televisivo. Atlantide.TV nasce come una televisione: Autorevole e di grande personalita', per la notorieta' e il valore dei promotori e dei partecipanti all'idea. Capace di parlare all'ampia fascia di utenti insoddisfatti della programmazione televisiva attuale, e alla ricerca di stimoli nuovi e intelligenti. Comica, positiva e disposta a dire quello che le tv predigerite non sospettano neppure.Con una garanzia di qualita' (etica, ambientale, culturale) della sua programmazione, dall'intrattenimento all'informazione, fino agli spazi commerciali.
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La formule magique ? 10 minutes x 10 questions x 10 réponses exactes = 1'000 francs de gain immédiat. Vous êtes prévenus : vous ne vous promènerez plus jamais dans la rue par hasard...
CASH - RTS Un / RTS Deux
Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)
Messes, cultes, célébrations œcuméniques ou interreligieuses : retrouvez tous les offices religieux produits par la Radio Télévision Suisse et reprises de l’Eurovision – pour voyager dans l’Europe entière.
Culte et messe - RTS Un / RTS Deux
Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)
Les dessous de la finance, les aléas de la bourse... TTC vous propose chaque semaine un dossier, un reportage d'actualité, l'éclairage de ses consultants et un panier de rubriques.
TTC - RTS Un / RTS Deux
Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)
Zone d'Ombre revient sur les affaires qui ont laissé un souvenir en demi-teinte, soit parce que certains éléments de l'enquête n'ont pas été révélés, soit parce que l'issue du jugement n'a pas convaincu. L'émission tente ainsi d'apporter un éclairage sur les zones restées obscures. Elle donne la parole aux personnes concernées de près ou de loin, permettant au spectateur de mieux comprendre les mécanismes, souvent troublants, qui débouchent sur certaines situations extrêmes. L'occasion, aussi, de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de l'appareil judiciaire de notre pays.
Zone d'ombre - RTS Un / RTS Deux
Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)
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