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Do you this all there is? Have you struggled to find meaning in your career? Does your work/life balance feel out of whack? Everyone has the sense that there is a deeper level of satisfaction to be had, no matter how happy they are. Everyone wants greater meaning from work, more freedom around money and deeper connections in relationships. Join Mark Michael Lewis, Author and CEO and his guests as they explore the insights and practices that integrate money, mission and meaning to experience a more profound relationship to the mystery and miracle you call your life. Each week, we’ll interview a business leader actively expressing value-based principles in their business or personal lives, exploring such topics as visionary leadership, the power of integrity, purpose driven business, following your bliss, and much more. Imagine waking up each day naturally excited to get to work and just as excited to get home. Through simple but powerful ideas around abundance, inspiration, motivation, manifestation, ecology and intention, you can create synergy between purpose and profitability. Learn to apply the art and heart of business to every aspect of your experience, building an ever-deepening enjoyment of the business of life.
Money, Mission and Meaning: Passion at Work, Purpose at Play
The Divas are five fabulous, forty-something women who intentionally formed a group of honest friends to support, encourage and empower each other to reach higher, keep growing, and have fun. When life gets overwhelming, true girlfriends help fill in the gaps for husbands and family. Relate to these "masterpieces of imperfection," Suzanne, Carrie, Amy, Julie and Sharon, in all their glory. Call in and communicate. Live, love and learn through the wisdom of women. The Diva Cast - come get your fill of female friendship.
Join us, Diva Sistas and . . . Viva la Diva!
Come along and listen to the many relevant topics we explore including family, fashion and make up, food, finance, friends, grief, health, divorce, advice, entertainment, the environment, children, career, holidays, politics, mid-life, money, cosmetic surgery, movies, men, relationships, marriage, our mothers (!), self-preservation, travel, weight, wine and what ever! Get to know us and share in our journey ~ we welcome your input and feedback and encourage you to develop deeper friendships of your own to further enrich your life.
TheDivaCast: Encouragement | Work Life Balance | Girl Talk | Women’s Issues
There is new opportunity at the intersection of technology and beauty but it comes with a price. Not just the costs of cosmetic surgery and non-invasive dermatology procedures and injectables but the costs of changing forever our natural beauty.
Teri Hausman, biomedical investor, beauty aficionado, wife of a plastic surgeon and typical woman who wants to stay ageless interviews leading plastic surgeons about the newest procedures in the market today. Teri also talks to the founders of companies behind new anti-aging products and technologies.
Get advice from experts on anti-aging and longevity, fitness, nutrition, cosmetic surgery, hormone therapies, laser and chemical procedures, cosmeceuticals and more.
Beauty Now: The Intersection of Cosmetic Surgery, Longevity & Bio-Medical Innovation
John James Santangelo wants you to learn how to be a success…a SALES SUCCESS! Through John’s peak performance coaching, Hypnosis and NLP mastery, you’ll learn his Five-Step selling process to develop the mental habits and performance strategies utilized by highly successful sales experts! This dynamic podcast is specifically designed in helping you focus your mind, maximize your influential capabilities, and overcome fears and challenges that hold other sales professionals back. Every jam-packed episode will invigorate and educate you on the principles of sales success including; creating lasting business relationships, seductive selling strategies, persuasive and hypnotic language patterns, winning negotiation techniques and the power to control emotional states to become rejection-proof! Our proven cutting-edge format outperforms the old sales training concepts and delivers you new motivational insights, meditations for commanding attention and visualizations lead by John to electrify and skyrocket your revenue and RESULTS!
Sales Magic: Motivations, Meditations and Visualizations to Kick Your Assets Into Action!
Do you this all there is? Have you struggled to find meaning in your career? Does your work/life balance feel out of whack? Everyone has the sense that there is a deeper level of satisfaction to be had, no matter how happy they are. Everyone wants greater meaning from work, more freedom around money and deeper connections in relationships. Join Mark Michael Lewis, Author and CEO and his guests as they explore the insights and practices that integrate money, mission and meaning to experience a more profound relationship to the mystery and miracle you call your life. Each week, we’ll interview a business leader actively expressing value-based principles in their business or personal lives, exploring such topics as visionary leadership, the power of integrity, purpose driven business, following your bliss, and much more. Imagine waking up each day naturally excited to get to work and just as excited to get home. Through simple but powerful ideas around abundance, inspiration, motivation, manifestation, ecology and intention, you can create synergy between purpose and profitability. Learn to apply the art and heart of business to every aspect of your experience, building an ever-deepening enjoyment of the business of life.
Money, Mission and Meaning: Passion at Work, Purpose at Play
The Divas are five fabulous, forty-something women who intentionally formed a group of honest friends to support, encourage and empower each other to reach higher, keep growing, and have fun. When life gets overwhelming, true girlfriends help fill in the gaps for husbands and family. Relate to these "masterpieces of imperfection," Suzanne, Carrie, Amy, Julie and Sharon, in all their glory. Call in and communicate. Live, love and learn through the wisdom of women. The Diva Cast - come get your fill of female friendship.
Join us, Diva Sistas and . . . Viva la Diva!
Come along and listen to the many relevant topics we explore including family, fashion and make up, food, finance, friends, grief, health, divorce, advice, entertainment, the environment, children, career, holidays, politics, mid-life, money, cosmetic surgery, movies, men, relationships, marriage, our mothers (!), self-preservation, travel, weight, wine and what ever! Get to know us and share in our journey ~ we welcome your input and feedback and encourage you to develop deeper friendships of your own to further enrich your life.
TheDivaCast: Encouragement | Work Life Balance | Girl Talk | Women’s Issues
There is new opportunity at the intersection of technology and beauty but it comes with a price. Not just the costs of cosmetic surgery and non-invasive dermatology procedures and injectables but the costs of changing forever our natural beauty.
Teri Hausman, biomedical investor, beauty aficionado, wife of a plastic surgeon and typical woman who wants to stay ageless interviews leading plastic surgeons about the newest procedures in the market today. Teri also talks to the founders of companies behind new anti-aging products and technologies.
Get advice from experts on anti-aging and longevity, fitness, nutrition, cosmetic surgery, hormone therapies, laser and chemical procedures, cosmeceuticals and more.
Beauty Now: The Intersection of Cosmetic Surgery, Longevity & Bio-Medical Innovation
John James Santangelo wants you to learn how to be a success…a SALES SUCCESS! Through John’s peak performance coaching, Hypnosis and NLP mastery, you’ll learn his Five-Step selling process to develop the mental habits and performance strategies utilized by highly successful sales experts! This dynamic podcast is specifically designed in helping you focus your mind, maximize your influential capabilities, and overcome fears and challenges that hold other sales professionals back. Every jam-packed episode will invigorate and educate you on the principles of sales success including; creating lasting business relationships, seductive selling strategies, persuasive and hypnotic language patterns, winning negotiation techniques and the power to control emotional states to become rejection-proof! Our proven cutting-edge format outperforms the old sales training concepts and delivers you new motivational insights, meditations for commanding attention and visualizations lead by John to electrify and skyrocket your revenue and RESULTS!
Sales Magic: Motivations, Meditations and Visualizations to Kick Your Assets Into Action!
Desperate to reclaim your body and control your insatiable appetite? Diet not working?
It is time for "Inside Out Weight Loss."
Learn to stay slim, no matter what life throws at you.
Leading diet and weight-loss coach Renee Stephens, of, has helped hundreds shed from 5 to 125 pounds. Renee specializes in turning around the eating and diet habits of those most resistant to change, including yo-yo dieters, binge eaters, and bulimics, with whom she has an astonishing 75% success rate.
Drawing on cutting-edge techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy and Positive Psychology, host Renee Stephens' signature fusion-therapy approach will transform your relationship with your diet, your body, and yourself, permanently.
Each week you'll get closer to creating the body of your dreams, supported by Renee's focus on diet and weight issues for more than twenty years. Listen and let Renee reprogram your mind and your relationship with food, shifting your underlying belief systems. You will learn how to tame your inner rebel, align your goals with your values, and achieve lifetime weight mastery. End the diet, regain, diet cycle once and for all.
Dieting or not, you can add this weekly podcast into your current lifestyle and witness significant and lasting results. Renee's great voice, smooth delivery, and numerous examples of people like you succeeding make this podcast a must listen every week.
So toss out your diet pills, diet plans and diet mentality. Start at the first show, or jump right in, and get ready for a program that will pay off for a lifetime.
Inside Out Weight Loss: Aligning Mind Body and Spirit for Lasting Change | Diet | Weight Loss | NLP | Motivation | Fitness
Get the Photo Tip of the Week, Participate in Contests, Enjoy Timely Digital Photo Information, News, Digital Camera Reviews, Photography and Shooting Tips and Camera Techniques, Creative Perspectives, Photoshop Insights, Approaches to Photography, Listener Questions and Answers, and Event Information from Jason Anderson, the "Canon Blogger."
As a user of the Canon brand of bodies for his photography, Jason has particular insights and thoughts useful to other "Canonites." Get a solid foundation for understanding the technical and the esoteric side of photography and photo editing as Jason generously shares his insights with new and experienced photographers.
Inspired by Joe McNally for his straightforward teaching style, Henri Cartier-Bresson for his candid and street photography, and others like Ansel Adams and Moose Peterson, Jason has an "open-book" approach to learning. When Jason learns something new, you learn it too.
Transparency and a community of sharing have inspired Jason to continue to grow and expand the listening base for his podcast and blog.
The companion blog, features regular content including weekly web round-ups of activities and news from other bloggers and photography forum communities and interviews. If you have questions about digital photography, send them to Jason at Jason will share his answers in an easy to understand approach, perfect for digital photography enthusiasts.
Learning Digital Photography: Digital SLR | Great Shots | Easy Techniques | Cool Accessories | Creative Ideas from the Canon Blogger
Business Success Tips is a humorous and insightful look into the world
of running your own business. In
between fits of laughter, show hosts Paul Sanneman, Sean Daily, Lee Strong, Steve Chipman, and JC Sanneman and their guests
discuss what it takes to have a start up and run a successful business, and leave
your day job behind forever.
BST helps listeners make more money in less time
and have more fun doing it. The show hosts are a group of entrepreneurs
and business consultants who have gone through the school of hard
knocks in business and love sharing their insights and enthusiasm with
listeners. Listen to the gang each week as they get together over some
fine Northern California wines to talk, debate and sometimes argue about
what it takes to believe in yourself, to create your own reality and
become successful in any business endeavor -- and life in general.
Enjoy camaraderie while we discuss companies, industries and trends from a real-life perspective -- better than NY Times, Business Week or Wall Street Journal!
Show topics include: Common hurdles to starting and effectively managing
your own business, creative a compelling business plan or marketing
plan, how to take business ideas from inspiration to inception, applying
for small business grants, generating money to start a new business, business finance,
effective leadership and employee management techniques, staying
motivated, getting referrals and generating new business, writing
meaningful business plans, being successful in challenging economic
times, Internet marketing strategy and many more work and job related issues.
Are you are tired of working in a job that makes you feel unappreciated? Do you feel like
your most productive years are being used to benefit someone else, while
you are earning less than you are worth? Have you ever fantasized about
starting up your own business, but were too afraid or unsure to take the
first steps? Do you already own a small business that's flat-lining and
needs a shot of hope, inspiration, and money?
Whether you're about to make the plunge or are only starting to consider
it, you'll find BST an addictive and valuable addition to your list of business
resources. This is definitely not what they teach you at Harvard!
Business Success Tips: Entertaining Insights in Management, Finance, Marketing and Revenue
Tap into your full human potential by using the creativity-inducing strategies that Eric Maisel teaches to bestselling authors, Grammy Award-winning musicians, Academy Award-winning screenwriters, and thousands of other creative clients and coaches. Experience the pleasure and confidence that comes with living creatively. Tap in to your imagination, resourcefulness and self-direction. Solve problems more quickly, make choices more easily, and use the power of your full potential to become an everyday creative person, creative at everything you do. Every week, through examples, tips and exercises, you energize your personal creative process and shine like a beacon with Dr. Eric Maisel, America’s premier creativity coach and the author 30 books including Ten Zen Seconds, Fearless Creating, Creativity for Life and Coaching the Artist Within.
Joy of Living Creatively: Tapping Your Innovation and Imagination
Bring to light your cherished principles, values, hopes and dreams into a personal plan for authentic living. This is the counter concept to "the purpose-driven life." There is an art to making meaning that isn't taught in any school, church, boardroom or home.
Get weekly lessons that help you turn your passion into action and your principles into a life plan you can sustain. Learn how to fill your days with meaning, stop procrastinating, and bring new richness to everything you do.
Join Eric Maisel, family therapist, creativity coach and bestselling author, as he spells out the art of making meaning. Life is as worthwhile as you make it. Banish meaninglessness by working some existential magic! If the atheist, rationalist, secular-humanist, skeptical, free-thinking, or existential tradition appeals to you, you will especially appreciate Maisel’s insights.
Learn how to invest meaning, where to put it, how to withdraw it, and what returns you should expect from this practice. Picture one of your typically busy days, where a lot gets done with no sense of accomplishment. Now picture that day transformed, artfully redesigned so that you experience islands of meaning in a sea of hurry.
Get your values and your life aligned!
Open up to new meaning opportunities!
Understand the language of meaning and the dynamics of meaning and learn how to avoid going down the tubes when bad luck strikes.
Consciously decide what you want to value and keep on top of your meaning priorities.
Meaning is a lens through which to view life: focus your lens on an intentional life.
Purpose-Centered Life: A Plan for Authentic Living
Life Zero is a collection of thoughts about lifestyle design, technology, Apple products & just about everything else.)
John Flowers, Ben Durbin and Laraley discuss the modern world and its relationship to the key concepts of Zen (and Buddhism). We try to balance the sometimes vague and complex ways of Buddhism with the reality of living as a productive member of a modern society.
Much like other Buddhists, we believe it is important to look for guidelines in others and the world, which allow us to find joy and the path we should be on in our own lives..
Life Zero Rules
1. Only what you need
2. Eliminate baggage
3. Discard unused items
4. New in = Old out
5. Share discarded items
6. No debt
7. Travel more
8. Choose friends
9. Choose environment
10. Find your joy
These rules, which are the result of about a year of heavy focus on LifeStyle Design, represent what we believe to be the most important ideas to be healthy, happy and live a rewarding life.
Remember, "baggage" can be physical and emotional. It can be anything you hang onto in life, which causes you to not find your joy and dwell on the past or something unpleasant.
Life Zero advocates a set of rules, which -- if followed -- can be achieved by anyone. There's no magic bullet, requiring unlimited wealth. Anyone can (and I believe, should) follow a basic set of guidelines that would allow him or her to find their own happiness.
Life Zero: Adventures in Zen and Lifestyle Design
The Divas are five fabulous, forty-something women who intentionally formed a group of honest friends to support, encourage and empower each other to reach higher, keep growing, and have fun. When life gets overwhelming, true girlfriends help fill in the gaps for husbands and family. Relate to these "masterpieces of imperfection," Suzanne, Carrie, Amy, Julie and Sharon, in all their glory. Call in and communicate. Live, love and learn through the wisdom of women. The Diva Cast - come get your fill of female friendship.
Join us, Diva Sistas and . . . Viva la Diva!
Come along and listen to the many relevant topics we explore including family, fashion and make up, food, finance, friends, grief, health, divorce, advice, entertainment, the environment, children, career, holidays, politics, mid-life, money, cosmetic surgery, movies, men, relationships, marriage, our mothers (!), self-preservation, travel, weight, wine and what ever! Get to know us and share in our journey ~ we welcome your input and feedback and encourage you to develop deeper friendships of your own to further enrich your life.
TheDivaCast: Encouragement | Work Life Balance | Girl Talk | Women’s Issues
Do you believe in "falling in" love? Or "finding" love?
Or have you discovered that love is something you create, that you generate, refresh, nourish and inspire, day by day, minute by minute, breath by breath, choice by choice?
It turns out, that love is like an ember that requires us to ignite continuously with the sweet breath of our devotion, imagination and courage.
If you yearn to create a life full of ever-deepening and ever-expanding love, yet find that you carry fears which hold you back, then you have found an invaluable ally in The Fearless Lover.
Is it possible to continually open your heart and be the source of love that your lover, your family, your friends and all those whom you love yearn for you to be? Is it possible to handle and dissolve those fears that hold you back from being that person for them?
It is possible. But it requires a passion for wisdom, and the willingness to put into action some solid, doable practices.
The Fearless Lover is about your becoming, every day, step-by-stumble-by-leap, a more fearless lover of life and its pleasures, most especially where it is both hardest and most gratifying ndash; as a passionate intimate lover of your beloved partner(s).
Each week, The Fearless Lover will bring you wisdom ndash; and simple practices - from all around the world, from the Toltec to the Tantric, from the Kabbala to the Christian, from the Sufi to the Sikh and beyond, in order to explore daily practices that help you open your heart into being the Fearless Lover you may aspire to be.
Hosted by scholar, writer, producer and teacher, Adam Gilad, The Fearless Lover will bring you interviews on wisdom and practices from all traditions, with spiritual leaders, writers, thinkers, noted psychologists, scholars, ethnologists, noted cultural creatives and visionaries.
The single goal: to bring, week after week, the most potent and grounded tools and wisdom from around the world in service of you growing into bolder love, more playful intimate communion, and a life of creativity, adventure and joy.
Because, honestly, what else is there to do?
Fearless Lover: The Spiritual Foundations of Present, Boundless and Enduring Love
Living Dialogues®: Thought-Leaders in Transforming Ourselves and Our Global Community
with Duncan Campbell, Visionary Conversationalist, Living
This weekly program features pioneers in new paradigm thinking in a broad variety of fields. Duncan's focus is to develop a new consciousness, a much better educated citizenry, and the financial and new clean energy independence that will be required for each of us to play a positive collaborative leadership role in our emerging global world. Each show provides a different facet of the vision emerging from the work of many to transform our individual lives -- and our planet...It is a fire-keeping space where together, we can ignite each other's unique creative spark to bring forth both our individual transformation and the evolution of our global community.
If you love exploring the realm of consciousness and transformational thought, this show goes beyond typical interview formats to a deeply analytical, sophisticated dialog of issues ranging from the bio-dynamics of longevity to past-life regression to the origins of belief structures that define our culture. These dialogs function as a kind of "Cliff Notes" for the consciousness revolution.
Duncan Campbell possesses the unique gift of tying world views, insights and philosophies together to deliver transformative revelations to the active and culturally creative listener, thereby evolving consciousness. With such guests as Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, Joan Borysenko, Judy Collins and many more, Duncan engages in mutually participatory and co-creative dialogue evoking a flow of meaning and understanding beyond what any of these individuals can present themselves. Subscribe to this podcast now and join us, as together with you, the active deep listener, we engage in 'Living Dialogues.'
What are the benefits of subscribing to Living Dialogues?
"One of the most important things we can do for our health is to cultivate a community of rich social connections. Living Dialogues with Duncan Campbell is one of the best ways I know to cultivate community without leaving your home. Risk taking; getting out of ruts and routines and habits; Experiencing new things, are also valuable. That's what Living Dialogues is all about. Get healthier. Join in Living Dialogues with Duncan Campbell." -- Larry Dossey, M.D., Leading physician and visionary
Living Dialogues: Thought-Leaders in Transforming Ourselves and Our Global Community with Duncan Campbell, Visionary Conversationalist, Living
With Matthew Scott, Entrepreneur, & Former Army Paratrooper Captain and Special Forces Psychological Warfare Expert ...
Are you a busy entrepreneur, corporate executive, biz-dev creative change agent, or a sales & marketing professional?
Too busy to read the latest business books? Can you be available for just eight minutes a week if it would make a difference in your business?
Are you interested in hearing great lessons and takeaways in a shortened format from the best and latest business books available? Desire a "book clip" for discussion around the water cooler or at your next business function? Let Matthew Scott analyze business best sellers the way he used to analyze the mindset of enemy combatants.
This weekly show and blog features reviews, key insights, special author interviews, NY Times and Wall St. Journal bestsellers and the best independently published books.
Matthew is not here to push books, he is here to reveal key insights to empower you and provide practical and relevant business wisdom application in your work lives. Join Matthew in starting your focused business literary professional development in just eight minutes a week.
Book Digest: Book Digest: Summarizing Business Books For Busy Business Leaders in Eight Minutes
Zanny, aka Suzanne Maiden, M.A., Family Therapist, certified grief counselor, and co-host of TheDivaCast Internet talk show, recently merged her professional experience with broadcasting to produce Dear Zanny, a one-of-a-kind virtual cozy couch where listener’s plop down their most confidential concerns. The online audio advice column offers a compassionate ear, a sympathetic shoulder, and sound suggestions to the world’s most universal relationship dilemmas.
Do you need to set firm boundaries with a toxic friend or family member? Maybe your child has suicidal tendencies or is engaging in the disturbing new trend of “cutting” (self injurious behavior). Is your spouse depressed, addicted, or abusive? Do you suspect he/she is caught up in an extramarital affair? Listeners are encouraged to email or call into the Dear Zanny hotline with their concerns. Zanny posts questions to her website, minus any identifiers for anonymity, and shares answers on-air in a radio-style format with concise considerations, suggestions, and resources.
Is Dear Zanny a substitution for professional counseling? Absolutely not. Zanny is quick to point out her show is for entertainment purposes only. Her talk show is an excellent place to touch one’s toe into the sometimes-intimidating reflecting pool of therapy, but is never intended to substitute for professional help.
To ask an anonymous question, call the Dear Zanny hotline at (678) 884-0524 or visit
DearZanny: Zanny will answer questions as they come in. If you have a relationship problem you want help with, ask Zanny.
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