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Talk Theatre in Chicago leads you through this week's Chicago Theatre News.
Talk Theatre News
Produced and recorded in the studios of Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson, British Columbia, Deconstructing Dinner explores food issues that affect you. Join host Jon Steinman and guests as they expose the stories behind our food and discuss more sustainable methods of getting this food into our stomachs. The show is not restricted to only current affairs, but probes into the processes and actions to which we have all become so accustomed throughout our daily routine, and "deconstructs" them to achieve a more discriminating awareness.
Deconstructing Dinner
"I fiori del male", il rapporto con Edgar Allan Poe, i "Paradisi artificiali"... L'opera di Baudelaire letta e commentata da scrittori, traduttori e critici letterari.
Charles Baudelaire
Soggetto, virtù, mondo, bene, etica... Salvatore Natoli scandaglia affetti, disagi, istanze, passioni della nostra civiltà . Alla riscoperta della saggezza del vivere attraverso l'indagine filosofica.
Lezioni di filosofia di Salvatore Natoli
Pensiero poetante e poesia pensante.... Un "viaggio" nella vasta produzione letteraria di Giacomo Leopardi. I "Canti", le "Operette morali", lo "Zibaldone" letti e commentati da Antonio Prete, critico letterario e traduttore, docente di Letterature comparate all'Università di Siena.
Giacomo Leopardi
Lannan Foundation is a family foundation dedicated to cultural freedom, diversity and creativity through projects which support exceptional contemporary artists and writers, as well as inspired Native activists in rural indigenous communities.
Lannan Podcasts
Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. This daily program from WNYC, New York Public Radio cuts through the usual talk radio punditry and brings a smart, humane approach to the day's events.
WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show
WNYC Culture
Florida Matters
Florida Matters
Go beyond the daily headlines to explore the issues affecting Floridians and their communities with WUSF's Florida Matters.
University Beat
University Beat
Learn about the University of South Florida's efforts to advance research, education, science, art and culture with WUSF's "University Beat."
University Beat Video
University Beat Video
University Beat Videos
University Beat Videos
Learn about the University of South Florida's efforts to advance research, education, science, art and culture with WUSF's "University Beat."
Florida Matters Podcast
Florida Matters Podcast
Florida Matters is WUSF 89.7's newest forum that goes beyond the daily headlines and explores issues that matter to you and your community. It addresses critical issues suggested by listeners to stimulate conversation and advance discussion.
Florida Stories Podcast
Florida Stories Podcast
Florida Stories is a WUSF 89.7 segment featuring highlights of personal stories that Floridians shared with StoryCorps, the national oral history project co-sponsored by NPR and the Library of Congress.
Florida Daily News Podcast
Florida Daily News Podcast
Summary of WUSF's daily newscasts, providing coverage of Florida.
Florida Commentaries Podcast
Florida Commentaries Podcast
Commentaries that reflect the issues of the times and the interests of the people of Florida.
Florida Matters Podcast
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Florida Matters is WUSF 89.7's newest forum that goes beyond the daily headlines and explores issues that matter to you and your community. It addresses critical issues suggested by listeners to stimulate conversation and advance discussion.
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