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Experience the extraordinary lives of Sara and Gerald Murphy and the couple’s influence on a remarkable constellation of creative individuals that flourished in Paris and the French Riviera in the 1920s and 1930s. Friends of Cole Porter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Pablo Picasso, the Murphys strove to make something beautiful of their lives through “living well,” creating art, and encouraging their artistic friends. The result was some of the most noteworthy literature, music, theater, and art of the last century. Currently on display at the Dallas Museum of Art through September 14, 2008, the exhibition was organized by the Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA.
Dallas Museum of Art :: Making it New
Weekly mix set “Dance Extravaganza” by Tom From Prague.Dance Extravaganza is a podcast covering the full spectrum of club music scene.Subscribe and listen to the weekly podcast,while you drive,workout or party.
Tom From Prague
TORN from the pages of his bestselling compendium of fake facts, MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, John Hodgman presents TODAY IN THE PAST, transmitted directly from the computer to your ears in his own RECORDED VOICE. The first page-a-day calendar with no physical pages, TODAY IN THE PAST will provide you not only the date, but also a fascinating historical fact that did not occur on that date, because it was made up by John Hodgman, Resident Expert and Famous Minor Television Personality.
If, for some reason, you need more fake facts per day than this Page-a-Day Calendar Without Pages provides, you can also find all of the pages of MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, along with the rest of the COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE SERIES (The Areas of My Expertise), transformed into similar but not identical pageless technology (known as the Audio Book) elsewhere in the iTunes store. Or, for those who hate technology and/or fetishize paper, there is also a non-pageless paperback version available in appropriate stores (you know where they are).
Today In the Past
New York Times best-selling novelist Scott Sigler gives away all of his stories as free, serialized audiobooks. Described as "Stephen King meets Michael Crichton meets Chuck Palahniuk," Scott's stories of hard-science horror will have you tapping a vein as you Jones for next week's fix.
Subscribe to hear major-release hardcover novels read by the author, as well as short fiction and a weekly dose of Scott's column for the AMC channel, called "Laughing in the Face of Death." For more info and more free audiobooks, visit
Scott Sigler Audiobooks
The Leviathan Chronicles is a sci-fi podcast that tracks Macallan Orsel, a young genetic scientist in present-day New York City who discovers that immortality is not a fool's fantasy, but rather a reality for a several factions of powerful immortals living among us. The Leviathan Chronicles is the ultimate science fiction and fantasy audio drama podcast.
The Leviathan Chronicles
Fresh Air from WHYY, the Peabody Award-winning weekday magazine of contemporary arts and issues, is one of public radio's most popular programs. Hosted by Terry Gross, the show features intimate conversations with today's biggest luminaries.
NPR: Fresh Air Podcast
Chris Oatley is a visual development artist and content creator for film, television and other media. The aim of this podcast is to inform and inspire creatives of all types and to reveal and record the process behind his work.
Chris Oatley's ArtCast
Here & Now Podcast
Here & Now Podcast
Produced by WBUR Boston and PRI, Here & Now features fast breaking news, more leisurely analysis and human interest stories. We also cover the arts: film, theater, music and much more.
Tim Riley's commentaries on music from Here and Now
Tim Riley's commentaries on music from Here and Now
Commentaries on music from NPR's Here and Now and elsewhere... Author Tim Riley has written books on the Beatles, Bob Dylan, and Madonna, and his most recent title is FEVER: HOW ROCK'N'ROLL TRANSFORMED GENDER IN AMERICA (Picador 2005). He is at work on a major new biography of John Lennon for W.W. Norton slated for 2009. His music commentary is featured regularly on NPR's HERE AND NOW, the nationally-syndicated show produced weekdays out of WBUR-FM in Boston.
Here & Now Arts
Here & Now Arts
Musicians, authors and artists talk about their craft with Here And Now host Robin Young.
Boston University World of Ideas
Boston University World of Ideas
Each Sunday night, World of Ideas features discussions and lectures by the best and brightest thinkers from Boston University and the Boston community at large. The show topics focus on various subjects such as current events, national and international politics, academic-related issues and public affairs.
Radio Boston
Radio Boston
Jane Clayson and David Boeri go deep to examine the most significant stories of our region -- with innovative reporting, interviews and analysis. We're devoted to the people of Boston and beyond. Join the conversation each week on Radio Boston.
WBUR: Project Dropout
WBUR: Project Dropout
WBUR Boston examines the Massachusetts high-school dropout rate. Reporters examine why kids leave school, why the dropout rate isn’t getting lower, how it affects all of us and what we should do about it. Produced in collaboration with WGBH Television with support from the Boston Foundation.
Here & Now Arts
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Musicians, authors and artists talk about their craft with Here And Now host Robin Young.
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