Getting the things you need and desire most in life are in no way dependent upon a healthy economy, banking system or a Government bailout. We live in a Universe that does not deal in shortages, limitations, recessions or depressions, the Universe only understands abundance. We are all a part of the Supreme Intelligence from which all good originates, regardless of what side of the water you live, where you entered the Universe, your color, or creed orientation, none of these matters. We are all Spiritual equals given the same air to breath, and the same picturesque sun sets to enjoy. To receive what you desire is not about learning secrets, or discovering truths believed to be reserved for an esoteric few. Not only is this ability to manifest available to us all, it was promised to us all. In order to activate this ability we need be in the right place, that place being our connection to placement. This place of placement is where the people you need appear and this collaboration with Spirit turns the Universe into your playground of abundance.