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You Will Be Amazed To Learn How Easy Joint Venture Deal Making Can Be

You Will Be Amazed To Learn How Easy Joint Venture Deal Making Can Be
If you have never heard these two little slick words, Joint and Venture, then this may be one of the most important marketing and business lessons you ever hear. In my opinion, this audio clip is one of the best presentations on the subject of joint venture deal making I have ever heard. John Alanis delivered this presentation to a packed house of seminar attendees that paid thousands of dollars in the year 2000 at a Ron LeGrand information-publishing seminar. The seminar was called The Information Marketing Boot Camp. It is as hard-hitting and basic as the name implies. My friend Bob Lee owns the resale and duplication rights to this 16-audio tape seminar. He leased this space on my site to give you a free sample of the quality of the seminar. This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff's
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