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Episode 29 Pets or Meat

Episode 29 Pets or Meat

Hello and welcome to another episode of Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals.

I always like to start off by saying hello to people who well, said hello to me.

First of all
Mitch Bennett, who is a photographer, you can find his work at, thats color spelt the
American way, C O L O R, absolutely no U involved.

Mitch mentioned why he decided to promote Veganism.

"...after having signed and forwarded  literally thousands of animal
rights , environmental and social response emails to various and
sundry private and government addresses from 1999-2006 I stopped.
Then I became abolitionist.  I realized that, although it won't fix
everything, nothing will be fixed (with any real assurances) without
veganism.  That's when I started putting all that "incomplete" effort
into veganism"

Mitch has also linked to my blog which I really appreciate.

Second I have Anouk, who lives in, forgive me, Sarasota, Florida in the USA.

She mentions meeting another New Zealand Vegan, Nichola Jones in New York, and enjoying the New Zealand accent. 

I'd like to say hello to Gordon, who often posts nice comments on my blog.  Gordon, I'd like to know who you are, and where you live in the world.  Please email me,

Patrick Thomas from Pittsburgh, Pensylvania in the United States also sent me an email.  Patrick mentioned listening to my show, as well as every other podcast I mentioned!  I normally suggest NZ Vegan Podcast and Sam's Food For Thought show, being from New Zealand.  I really like promoting New Zealand as some kind of Vegan utopia, I really want to boast of having the highest number of vegans per capita, shouldn't be hard with only four million people in this entire country.  If anyone has any knowledge of Vegan-ising chemicals to drop in municipal water supplies, let me know, j a y w o n t d a r t .  Until then, our podcasts will have to do.

I also mentioned Veganacious, and hopefully there will be other Abolitionist shows to promote soon!

Patrick mentioned listening while at work, I know that I listen to every Animal Rights show I can gather into my iPod, it makes my own menial job pleasurable. 

Its great that people like myself and Patrick listen to every show, its not like television where every show on every channel competes, there are no scheduled air times, the more shows promoting Veganism, the better. 

Its great to think that theres this Vegan community, all throughout the world.

I'd like to talk about the effectiveness of violent videos.  I'm sure most people listening have heard about, or seen the video of Dairy cows being abused in Ohio.  These animals are shown being stabbed and hit by farmers.  The group behind the video, Mercy For Animals mention visiting their website at the end of the video, a typical PR move on these gruesome videos.  I really don't understand why they wont just say "Veganism is the only way to treat animals with the respect they deserve".  If you do see the video, and remember to visit the groups website, you will get a message that mentions Veganism.  Quote "Compassionate consumers can end their direct financial support of farmed animal abuse by rejecting dairy, and other animal products, and adopting a vegan diet."  Well, thats a lot better that what most Animal Welfare groups would do, although you shouldn't need to visit a website to find out about Veganism.  It should be part of the video itself.  I would assume most people who see the video will NOT visit the groups website, and will not consider Veganism.

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