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Author Nigel Warburton reads from his book Philosophy: The Classics which is an introduction to 27 key works in the history of Philosophy
Philosophy: The Classics
The Common Hour aims to provide an occasion for faculty, students, and staff to absent themselves from daily concerns, gather in common spaces, and engage in the ideas of speakers and the presentations of artists, and with each other in discussion of shared interests and concerns. This podcast features highlights of the Common Hour series at Bowdoin College.
Common Hour
Weekly lecture by authors reading and discussing their latest works. Go on, live and learn by exploring our entire collection of great lectures.
Forum Network | Book Tour Podcast Podcast
(12 June, 1892 to 18 June, 1982)
Here is unique series of new recordings of Djuna Barnes' short stories and poems. This American writer played an important part in the development of 20th Century English language modernist writing, She was a key figures in 1920-30s bohemian Paris after filling a similar role in the Greenwich Village of the teens. Her novel Nightwood, with its introduction by T. S. Eliot, is a cult work of modern fiction. She stands out today for her distinctive writing style and her portrayals of lesbian themes. Since Barnes's death, interest in her work has grown and many of her books are back in print.
Djuna Barnes - Selected Works
Lectures for a Survey of British Literature from the Romantics to the Moderns. ENG 264 is an online course offered during Mercer University's summer sessions.
English 264 Online
John Burroughs (1837-1921) was an immensely popular writer during his lifetime. He traveled with John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt; he spent various afternoons with Thomas Edison and Walt Whitman. He was Whitman's first biographer. One might say he had, for many years, his pen on the pulse of the times. Now the times are different and Burroughs is forgotten. Still, with relaxed patience, one can experience his works as they breathe the fresh simplicities of life, especially his intimate milieu: the great outdoors, the flora and fauna, rocks, water, the air and sky —and man's place in the midst of it all.
His poetry can be grouped with his minor writings; he had clear insight into his own facility in poems, to wit, the title page of BIRD AND BOUGH, his sole volume of verse, sports a self-deprecating epigraph from a line by John Bunyan: "Some said, John, print it; others said, Not so." All of his published poetry can be found in this collection, with the exception of "My Own Should Come To Me" and "Waiting." The later, frequently anthologized, was his most well known, and liked, even today. — A PDF of the poem texts can be found as one of the episodes.
— These poems were recorded at various times and in various places through the years. Recording qualities vary.
This is an on-going collection. Come back from time-to-time. See you at Slabsides!
John Burroughs - Poems and Other Short Works
Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer. Grammar Girl is a Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Acute GI Bleeding episode added!
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A new episode covering the approach to acute gastrointestinal bleeding has been posted. Approach to initial management, differential diagnosis and planning definitive management is covered. Next week: thyroid masses...
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Surgery 101
In this episode, Dr Max Findlay discusses how to assess the patient in a coma. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to:
describe the signs of life-threatening coma
differentiate global causes of coma from focal causes of coma
outline four essential steps in examining a comatose patient
Running time 13:39
31. Neurosurgery: Coma
In this episode, Dr Darci Kiddoo addresses the topics of pediatric urinary incontinence and pediatric urinary tract infection. After listening to this podcast, learners will be able to:
list the causes of urinary incontinence in children
describe how to assess the child with urinary incontinence
outline features of the presentation which suggest a sinister cause of incontinence
describe the treatment of urinary incontinence in children
list factors predisposing to urinary tract infection in children
describe how to assess the child with urinary tract infection
outline the investigation of urinary tract infection in children
describe the treatment of urinary tract infection in children
Running time: 16:51
30. Peds Urology: Incontinence & Infection
In this episode, Dr Darci Kiddoo addresses the topics of antenatal hydronephrosis & vesico-ureteric reflux. By the end of this podcast, learners will be able to:
list the causes of antenatal hydronephrosis
outline the investigation of the child with antenatal hydronephrosis
describe the treatment of simple, unilateral antenatal hydronephrosis
define vesico-ureteric reflux
list the causes of vesico-ureteric reflux
outline the investigation of the child with vesico-ureteric reflux
describe the treatment of uncomplicated vesico-ureteric reflux
Running time: 10:58
29. Peds Urology: Antenatal Hydronephrosis & Vesico-ureteric Reflux
In this episode, Dr Steve Meyer reviews the role of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). After listening to this podcast, learners will be able to:
define coronary artery disease
describe the important outcomes of treatment for coronary artery disease
list the recent important trials comparing the role of CABG to other interventional treatments
list the groups of patients for whom CABG is the preferred treatment choice
Running time 13:04
28. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
In this episode, Dr Roderick McArthur discusses the condition of aortic dissection. Listen and learn about:
the classical clinical picture of aortic dissection
how to make the diagnosis
pathophysiology of Type A and Type B dissections
immediate management of the patient with a dissection
principles of surgery for aortic dissection
Running time 14:38
Note: there is some variation of volume in this recording, you may need to crank up the sound in places.
27. Aortic Dissection
In this episode, Dr James Shapiro discusses pancreatic cancer. Listen and learn:
incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer
types of pancreatic cancer
molecular biology of pancreatic cancer
common symptoms of the condition
patient work-up in suspected pancreatic cancer
management of resectable and non-resectable disease
other pancreatic tumours: neuroendocrine tumours and cystic neoplasms
Running time: 25:37
26. Pancreatic Cancer
In this episode, Dr James Shapiro discusses liver transplantation. Topics covered include:
the history of transplantation
indications for liver transplant including acute liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma
selection of recipients and donors
surgical approaches for liver transplantation
post-operative complications
immunosuppression after liver transplant
long term outcomes
Running time: 27:03
25. Liver Transplantation
In the episode Dr Steve Meyer talks about heart transplantation. Topics covered include:
epidemiology of heart transplantation
indications for heart transplantation
selection of recipients and donors
post-operative complications
long term outcomes
Running time: 12:24
24. Heart Transplantation
In this episode, Dr Cliff Sample discusses the topic of post-operative complications.
Listen and learn:
what sorts of post-op problems you will be called about on the surgical wards
how to handle a post-op fever
dealing with the post-op patient who has shortness of breath
managing post-op chest pain
assessing the patient with post-op delirium
how to manage a wound dehiscence
dealing with post-op oliguria (low urinary output)
Running time: 25:14
23. Post-Operative Complications
In this episode, Dr James Shapiro discusses surgery of the spleen. Topics covered include:
structure and function of the spleen
indications for splenectomy
preparing a patient for splenectomy
surgical approach to the spleen & complications of splenectomy
splenic artery aneurysm
OPSI (overwhelming post splenectomy infection)
Running time: 24:02
22. Surgery of the Spleen
In this episode, Dr Bryan Dicken addresses the topic of pyloric stenosis. Listen and learn:
why you need to know this
what you should look for on history and physical
how to treat a child with pyloric stenosis
Running time 11:19
21. Pyloric Stenosis
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White addresses the issue of screening for colon cancer.
Who should be screened, and how should screening be performed?
Learn about:
how to identify patients at high, moderate and population risk of colon cancer
the role of FOB testing
practical advice for patients about to have a colonoscopy
Running time: 28:37
20. Screening for Colon Cancer / Colonoscopy
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White addresses the problem of abdominal trauma. Topics covered include:
assessment of the patient with abdominal trauma
indications for urgent surgery
uses of DL, FAST and CT scanning
management of injuries to the liver, spleen, kidney, GI tract and pancreas
Running time: 27:54.
19. Trauma to the Abdomen
In this episode, Dr Peter Metcalfe talks about common problems he encounters as a pediatric urologist. Conditions covered include:
problems with the foreskin
the undescended testicle
ambiguous genitalia
Running time: 25:40
18. Urology: Pediatric Urology
In this episode, Dr Cian O'Kelly covers the topic of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
After listening to this episode, learners should be able to:
list the risk factors for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
describe the typical presentation of the patient with a spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
describe the prognosis of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
outline the management and investigation of the patient with a spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
list the indications for surgery in the patient with a spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
Running time: 12:12
33. Neurosurgery: Intracerebral Hemorrhage
In this episode, Dr Cian O'Kelly discusses subarachnoid hemorrhage.
After listening to this podcast, learners will be able to:
list the risk factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage and describe the mortality and morbidity of the condition
describe the classical presentation of the patient with a subarachnoid hemorrhage
list the tests required to make the diagnosis
outline the treatment of the patient with a subarachnoid hemorrhage due to intra-cranial aneurysm
list the complications associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Running time 13:21
32. Neurosurgery: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
In this episode, Dr Cian O'Kelly covers the topic of carotid stenosis.
After listening to this episode, learners should be able to: • describe the symptoms which are associated with carotid stenosis • describe the epidemiology of carotid stenosis and stroke • discriminate between a stroke and a transient ischemic attack • outline the management of patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid stenosis • describe the medical and surgical management of patients with carotid stenosisRunning time: 14:42
34. Neurosurgery: Carotid Stenosis
In this episode, Dr Jaret Olson discusses the conditions of cleft lip and palate. Learning points include:
inheritance patterns of the conditions
management of problems with feeding, middle ear infections, speech and facial growth
Running time: 11:51
17. Plastic Surgery: Cleft Lip and Palate
In this episode, Dr Kal Ansari tackles the common problem of epistaxis (bleeding from the nose). Listen and learn about:
pathophysiology of the condition
important points in the history and physical exam
management of the nosebleed
indications for packing and referral
Running time: 14:40
16. Otolaryngology: Epistaxis
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White discusses the condition of anal fissure.
Listen and learn:
the pathophysiology of anal fissure
important points in the history and physical
differential diagnosis
chemical, neurological and surgical management of anal fissure
Running time: 22:53
15. Anal Fissure
In this episode, Dr Keith Rourke discusses problems with the prostate.
Listen and learn about:
the symptoms of BPH
key points of the history and physical
investigation of BPH
medical and surgical treatment of BPH
Running time: 23:22
14. Urology: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
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Surgery 101
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