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Dansk (Danmark)
Radio D parte 1 | Aprender alemán | Deutsche Welle
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DR og TV 2 har besluttet at sende et stort fælles indsamlingsprogram lørdag 27. august til fordel for de mange millioner nødlidende i Østafrika. Kim Bildsøe Lassen og Jes Dorph-Petersen er værter i programmet, der sendes fra UNICEF's bygninger i København direkte på DR1 og TV 2.
Radio D parte 1 | Aprender alemán | Deutsche Welle
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Alemán para principiantes: Paula y Philipp investigan casos misteriosos. Siga a los dos redactores de Radio D en sus viajes por Alemania y aprenda alemán con ellos. [versión en español] ...testing
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A short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) Here is a somewhat obscure tale titled "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" —obscure of course, until Mr. Button was conflated with Mr. Pitt. — This recording is the complete, original story as penned by Fitzgerald in the early 1920s. It was published originally in Colliers and finally collected in his popular Tales of the Jazz Age. One might call Benjamin Button an odd addition to the collection, as he was born in 1860, the year prior to Lincoln gaining his Presidency —a long way from the Jazz Age, which marked its begiining when Benjamin was 60... and he was... well, you'll have to listen to the REAL story to find out what happened before Hollywood stepped in...
The story is prefaced by Fitzgerald's brief humorous comment hidden away in the book's table of contents. Here he establishes both the tale's humor and its pathos and in a further sense, grounds it in our growing tradition of American literary sensibilities, echoing towards Mr. Clemens.
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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Poul Henningsen dengang og nu - lysmageren i nyt lys. Kulturkritikeren og multikunstneren Poul Henningsen figurerer
stadig livligt i debatten, men ofte som skræmmebillede på en udefineret
’kulturradikalisme’. Han er en mand alle har meninger om,
tit på tredje hånd, hans ideer er delvis skjult af fordomme og uvidenhed,
men der er også reel uenighed om ham. Dette seminar vil
diskutere åbent og kritisk hvad han står for, og hvilken indflydelse
han har haft på dansk livsform og bevidsthed.
Seminaret vil over 12 torsdage bringe fagfolk i debat med hinanden
og med publikum for at afklare PH’s indsats og betydning. De
indkaldte kendere kommer fra historie, kunst-, teater-, arkitekturog
designhistorie, litteratur-, sprog-, film- og medievidenskab,
kvindeforskning, jura, teologi, medicin samt fra medierne og det
politiske liv. De enkelte torsdage vil behandle PH’s idéhistoriske
placering, PH som kritiker og lyriker, hans forhold til lys, arkitektur,
byplanlægning og naturfredning, til revy og jazz, slaget om
Danmarksfilmen 1935, hans kultur-, radio-, tv-kritik, hans forhold
til retsopgør og flygtningedebat 1945-47, til seksualitet, kropskultur
og kvindesag, til arbejderbevægelse, kommunisme og konservatisme,
til reklame og forbrugerkritik. Ved tre arrangementer er
indlagt sang og musik fra PH’s repertoire, og vi slutter med en paneldiskussion
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repræsentanter for flere kulturpolitiske positioner.
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udfordring (2000) og Det stadig moderne gennembrud (2002) er
seminaret lagt som gå-hjem-arrangementer på et tidspunkt og på
en central adresse der skulle være bekvem for mange. Der er fri
adgang for alle – så længe der er plads.
PH - dengang og nu -AUDIO PODCAST-
Københavns Universitet
Limited Fork Music offers electronic and jazz-based experiments in sound as well as spoken experiments. Limited Fork Music is on the soothing side of the avant-garde. Limited Fork Music seeks and makes audible pulses. Limited Fork Music is also a literary poetry jukebox where the ego associated with high art has been overcome. Come here each week for the latest Limited Fork tune(s). Learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and see related video poams in the Limited Fork and Limited Fork Video Anthology podcasts.
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Originally published in French in 1922 and later translated by Paul C. Blum, this biography of Buddha is told in an unassuming and engaging style. The public domain text strings together the narrative of Buddha's life as gathered from several classic Buddhist texts, including the Buddhacharita of Asvaghosa, the Lalitavistara, and the Jataka, tales of the Buddha's former births. Here is the story of Prince Siddhartha. Although born into luxury, he seeks and finds enlightenment. He goes on to a life of teaching and developing a growing community. The biography ends with the Buddha's Parinirvana. The text of this English translation is made available through the generosity of The Internet Sacred Text Archive at This on-going podcast of the 58 chapters of The Life of Buddha will be available until all chapters are recorded. Afterwards, the completed audiobook will be available in a commercial edition. This audiobook is a Cloud Mountain production. The complete length of the current episodes is 3 hours and 05 minutes. * * * * * PLEASE NOTE: although not free of textual errors or outdated interpretations of the Buddha's life and teaching, its relaxed, conversational style makes The Life of Buddha an inspiring introduction to the extraordinary man called the Buddha. Please read more recent, reliable works to gather accurate knowledge of the Buddha's words and actions. * * * * *
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