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Higher Education
Avete mai sentito di un professore di Italiano e Latino che ha una passione esagerata per il computer (crea siti web, tiene corsi di informatica a studenti e corsi di aggiornamento per insegnanti) ed un'altra, da tempo quasi immemorabile, per la musica (compone canzoni e fa intrattenimenti musicali di vario genere)?
Luigi Gaudio
Uso questo sito soprattutto come supporto per la mia professione di insegnante. A scuola, all’università, nei corsi e seminari che sono chiamato a condurre. Ci sono anche alcune cose personali, come film, libri, pubblicazioni e applicazioni che mi piace creare
Alberto Pian progetto Didanext, Radiotony, Storytelling, IIS Bodoni Paravia Torino
The Finer Points is a weekly educational aviation podcast that blends tips from Jason Miller, one of San Franciscos leading Certified Flight Instructors with contemporary music. Charming and informative, TFP delivers all sorts of CFI wisdom.
The Finer Points - Aviation Podcast
A collection of short stories, poems and conversations I've had over the years.
Lot 49
Ciencia y Tecnología, cosas de todos los días.
Ciencia y Tecnología; cosas de todos los días
[KBS WORLD RADIO] ニュース (月~土)
This feed contains special items and features produced by the Naked Scientists team including coverage of the Cambridge Science Festival, the BA
Festival of Science and the AAAS Conference
Naked Scientists Special Editions
A series on the history of Jews and Judaism in antiquity.
From Israelite to Jew
This podcast is intended to help the AP Euro students at Bozeman High School. The podcast is based off the information found in the following textbooks: McKay "A History of Western Society" Merriman "A History of Modern Europe: From the Renaissance to the Present" and Palmer "A History of the Modern World". In addition to these books Steve Mercado's class notes have been an invaluable source in creating the lecture outlines and can be purchased at Finally I would like to thank Roger Stip and Todd Beach for general inspiration and enrichment.
Science facts, news, creature features, and songs. This podcast #75 salutes Economics. Includes the song Economics Breakdown. By the Singing Science Teacher. Approx. 13 min. All ages.
Science On The Wild Side Podcast
The NYSAFLT Podcast is dedicated to the improvement and the preparation of the LOTE teaching profession in New York State.
New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Inc.
الألمانية للمبتدئين: باولا و
Radio D 1 | الجزء الأول | تعلم الألمانية | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
An AP English Language and Composition Class series of podcasts
Mr. Ho's AP Language and Composition
The place to get information about what is going on in and around the International School of Düsseldorf.
ISD Podcasts
You will learn the basics of talking Tibetan
Talk Tibetan
Most people have heard of dogs being a human's eyes. But have you ever wondered how it works? Each person who works with these amazing dogs has a valuable story to share. Whether you're a dog lover or a dog guide handler, listen to Seeing Eye Stories and learn more about the USA's first dog guide school, The Seeing Eye and some of the people in their family.
Seeing Eye Stories
It really is all true! Stories about stuff that you never needed to know, but your life would be incomplete without. They serve no real purpose other than to entertain. If you're the curious type and have a few minutes to spare, then spend some of it each week listening to this ever-growing collection of stories. Great for those that are looking for a little bit of trivia in their lives.
Useless Information Podcast
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