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Featured on Internet Archive
The A/V Geeks Film Archive is an ephemeral film collection curated by Skip Elsheimer. What started as a hobby more than ten years is now a lifetime commitment. His collection has grown to over 20,000 films gathered from school auctions, thrift stores, closets and dumpsters. He presents themed film shows in his home base of Raleigh, North Carolina and he's taken his shows on the road across the United States. Films from Skip's archive have been released on DVDs. For more information about A/V Geeks upcoming shows, the DVDs, stock footage inquiries and donating to the collection, visit Skip is happy to be able share these selected films from his collection online - giving them a life beyond their intended purpose as little cultural time capsules of our immediate past. Enjoy!
What is an "A/V Geek?" Short for "audiovisual geek." The semi-derogatory term used to describe the kid who was allowed to operate the film projector in school. Such were considered to be "teacher's pets," but were often allowed to avoid classwork and freely roam the school halls eventually ending up at the library to get the projector and films.
A/V Geeks
collection of vintage commercials within the Prelinger Library.
Click to see a Tag Cloud of the Archive's Prelinger Collection.
Click for more information about the Prelinger Archives.
Vintage Commercials
Welcome to the Grateful Dead collection
Here you will find both:
Downloadable Shows (typically, Audience recordings), and
Stream-Only Shows (typically, Soundboard recordings).
Grateful Dead
Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program airing on over 450 stations in North America. The programs are uploaded to the Archive daily and are available in English or Spanish.
The program is hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez and produced out of the Downtown Community Television Center, a community media center in New York City's Chinatown.
Democracy Now
Do you like the smell of goats? Spend every day thinking about fun? Don't like using public toilets?
Then try listening to these monthly shows playing music and sounds that have been found legally and freely on the glorious internet.
Visit for more information.
Marvin Suicide Podcast
Ouebe Musique is a radio show on the waves of CKRL 89.1 (Quebec City, Canada). The show offers an eclectic music selection of artists and netlabels who publish under a Creative Commons license or in the Public Domain. The show (in french) is produced and hosted every Sundays by Simon Roy.
Ouebe Musique
Three organizations are joining forces on this new collection called Psychedelia: The Psychedelic Salon Podcast, the Timothy Leary Archives and the Terence McKenna Project. These three working groups have teamed up to create a superb public and permanent archive of audio (and some video) resources surrounding the Psychedelic experience and thinking that has and continues to shape the mind state of Humanity.
San Francisco Films
Shaping San Francisco - Audio Recordings
Sri Sai Satcharitra [Telugu] MP3 Audio
An audio book on Sri Shiridi Saibaba with 51 chapters
Written by Hemad Panth, Rendered by PJ Sarma and Music by koti.
Produced by Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shiridi, India
Sri Sai Satcharitra
A podcast about the Gilmore Girls TV show created for other Gilmore Girl fans.
Stars Hollow Podcast
Staying Healthy Today, is a podcast/radio show committed to bringing you key experts in the fields of nutrition, prevention and integrative medicine.
Staying Healthy Today Radio
This surrealistic podcast features absurdist dialogues between an imaginary ALLIGATOR and a real human BEAN, as they skewer politics, religion, science, metaphysics, and human folly. The "talent" never knows in what direction the improvisations will veer. Head-buffoon, "Alligator," spouts thought-provoking nonsense. He is guaranteed to confound you with his new theories and inventions. Co-buffoon, Tim, confuses matters even more with his random contributions, which often seed the strange tangents.
The Alligator Show
A regularly published podcast by a self-described hacker, curmudgeon and hacktivist about the practice and profession of programming drawing on over a decade of professional experience and a lifetime spent hacking, the intersection of politics and society with technology and anything else clever, elegant or funny that catches my mind as a die hard technology geek.
The Command Line Podcast
A photography podcast for digital photographers, created by Christoph Marquardt.
Tips From The Top Floor
Labor Express Radio is Chicago's only English language labor news and current affairs radio program. “News for working people, by working people.” Our program covers issues in the labor movement locally, nationally, and internationally. The program also addresses issues of concern to working people such as housing, education, health care, immigrants rights, the environment and U.S. foreign policy, from a working class viewpoint. Labor Express Radio airs Monday mornings at 10:00 AM on Chicago's independent community radio station, WLUW, 88.7 FM.
Labor Express Radio
Discussions about breaking news as it happens, interviews with journalists, scholars, human rights workers, officials, and other news makers. Politics, human rights, and the environment
Talk Nation Radio
Welcome to ESC Radio. We proudly present ESC Radio with the most Eurovision Song Contest hits.
ESC Radio
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