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 \ Doctor Jack's Soapbox Seminars - A free audiobook by John C. Adler, Ph.D., as told to Bill DeSmedt

Doctor Jack's Soapbox Seminars - A free audiobook by John C. Adler, Ph.D., as told to Bill DeSmedt

In this podiobook: What if the cataclysmic Tunguska explosion of 1908 was caused, not by a meteor or a comet, but by a microscopic black hole?... Well, like as not, you already know that story -- the one told by Bill DeSmedt in his award-winning novel/podcast Singularity. What you may not know, though, is the story behind the story: the science behind Singularity.Surprisingly (or maybe not), you can learn a lot about primordial black holes and the Tunguska Event and … show more
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