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The Sixth Sense with Margaret & Alan McElroy

The Sixth Sense with Margaret & Alan McElroy
Margaret McElroy has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.
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