The work Nefesh HaChaim, by Rabbi Chaim Volozhin, one of the foremost students of the Vilna Gaon and said to be the "Father of the Yeshivah Movement", is a classic, but not in the classical sense. There are four "gates" in the entire sefer, each one dealing with a different topic, and each topic treated on a relatively deep level of understanding. The first gate of 22 chapters explains what it means to have been made "in the image of God", and the implications of being so. The Nefesh HaChaim, quoting extensively from the Zohar, reveals the level of interaction between man and God, and how every act, word, and thought of Jew affects the direction of Creation, for good or for bad. To this extent, the entire sefer is very empowering, and encourages one to live up to his potential to become that which God cherishes most: a partner in fulfilling the plan for Creation. If you have questions and comments for Rabbi Pinchas Winston, please email