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SCCM PodCast - Pediatrics
This eleven-part podcast series, a companion to PBS' Valentine's Day
television special, The Hidden Epidemic: Heart Disease In America, features best-selling author, Dr. Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Larry King of CNN's Larry King Live and the Larry King Cardiac Foundation, along with Julie Bain, Health Director at Reader's Digest magazine.
In conversation with Julie Bain, Dr. Roizen explains ten different, easy steps you can take to a healthier heart. In the eleventh podcast, Larry King tells Dr. Roizen about his own narrow escape from a lethal heart attack and how that experience changed his life.
This podcast series is part of Take One Step: a PBS Health Campaign, which launches with a ninety-minute television documentary accompanied by half-hour town hall meeting, hosted by Larry King and featuring some of the country's top medical and lifestyle experts, plus a website with online and downloadable resources.
This Valentine's Day do your heart and loved ones a favor by tuning in to The Hidden Epidemic: Heart Disease in America, Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 9 PM (check local listings).
"The Hidden Epidemic: Heart Disease in America" is produced by WGBH Boston for PBS. Funding is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television viewers. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider becoming a member of your local public television station.
Take One Step for a Healthy Heart - companion podcast | PBS
WGBH Boston
Are you tired of hearing the same old weight loss advice? With new weight loss discoveries coming to light every day, it is important to find a podcast that can keep you abreast of the latest information. Did you know that listening to a weight loss podcast, like Cut the Fat Podcast, could actually help you lose 6 times more weight! The Cut the Fat Podcast is 100% free and is destined to become the #1 weight loss podcast on iTunes. Dr. Ray Hinish and Blythe Alberg, will share their vast weight loss experience with you as they bring you cutting edge information about diet, lifestyle, weight loss and fitness. is the blog podcast dedicated to helping you lose weight and FINALLY achieve the body that you desire! This time, you will succeed because you will have the tools and support that you need to lose weight, burn fat, build fitness and develop a lifestyle for long term health and vitality.
Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast
Insights, tips and advice to get you through nursing school!
Student Nurse News
The Medical School Podcast has two major purposes: 1) to publish Mastermind Group recordings of experts in various medical education fields, and 2) to prevent physician burnout by teaching wellness in medical education from the peer-reviewed, scientific literature.
Doctor Dan recruits the listener into an active role in order to increase awareness about medically underserved populations, sources of stress in medical students and residents, and efforts to remedy the imbalances.
Medical School Podcast
"Inside Dartmouth Medicine" is a series of web-extra interviews produced by Dartmouth Medicine magazine, exploring the art and science of medicine at Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.
Inside Dartmouth Medicine
This is a one-semester course in Embryology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica. The information provided will be of interest to students and those planning careers in science and medicine, as well as current practitioners in the field. Please note: The content and opinions expressed here belong to the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The College of St. Scholastica. For the course outline or to view a digital blackboard of images associated with these lectures, please visit the Web site at
Biology 3130 -- Embryology with Doc C
Gannett Education featuring CE courses as published in Nursing Spectrum, NurseWeek, and offers more than 550 online continuing nursing education courses, including many state-required CEs. Go to to earn instant certificates and find information about advanced nursing degrees and nurse refresher resources. Sign up for our Unlimited CE program for $34.99 and get access to all of our one-contact-hour or state-mandated CE courses (more than 450 contact hours) free.
Please visit us at for a full course listing of our continuing education courses
Nursing Continuing Education (CE)
Short podcasts intended to serve as brief introductions or reviews of surgical topics for medical students. Every episode is divided into chapters and concludes with several key points to summarize the topic.
Surgery 101
Podcast that helps students and job seekers get the most out of CareerPharm services and opportunities.
ASHP CareerPharm Podcast
Xtrawberry podcast es un podcast ácido, donde sus tres colaboradores hablan de las noticias más graciosas, raras, xtrambóticas de la red en un tono ácido irónico y con mucho humor. También leen los "mejores" comentarios de una forma jocosa, premiando los "mejores" o más disparatados. También se adentran en las profundidades de facebok, saliendo a la superficie de auténtico milagro. Y nos dan la fórmula definitiva para atajar la crisis: las consolas, analizando juegos de varias plataformas.
Xtrawberry PODCAST
Observation and Commentary on the Dental Industry.
Dental Insider Podcast
Smarter Cancer Care is a cancer information podcast, focused on the issues facing cancer patients, their families, and friends when faced with a diagnosis. In casual conversation with host Joanne Greene, Dr. Robert Rodvien, hematologist and oncologist associated with California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, provides easy to comprehend answers and compassionate insight into the journey that lies ahead. Awareness and knowledge can empower you and help you to make informed choices about your care. Smarter Cancer Care podcast is an essential tool for cancer patients and those who care about them.
Smarter Cancer Care
This podcast is the didactic lecture audio and procedure video from the University of Iowa Department of Emergency Medicine.
The University of Iowa Department of Emergency Medicine
CHI podcasts will feature interviews, speeches and roundtable discussions with leaders in the life sciences industry. This series will help educate the community on issues that are important to CHI members and the industry.
CHI Podcast
Podcasting directly from a freeway near you, frequently touching on subjects no one else has the guts to touch, giving you substance and insights that can't be found anywhere else in the world of podcasting. GoDaddy Discount Codes -- tom1 10% off, tom2 $5 off any $30+ purchase, tom3 $6.95 dot com domain name.
Trucker Tom's Podcast
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
KCRW 89.9 FM is a Free Internet Public Radio Station of Santa Monica College, in Los Angeles, California - Streaming Live Independent Music, NPR News, and Talk
KCRW 89.9 FM | Internet Public Radio Station Streaming Live Independent Music & NPR News Online from Los Angeles, CA - KCRW
WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America’s space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, subscribe to blogs, RSS feeds and podcasts, watch NASA TV live, or simply read about our mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE), provides two 24-hour premium TV services, HBO and Cinemax, to subscribers across the United States via cable, C-band satellite, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and microwave (MMDS). HBO is also available to guests in hotels and motels across the country.
HBO is the official website for everything in Oprah's world. Find advice on your health, beauty, cooking and recipes, money, decorating, relationships and more from The Oprah Winfrey Show, O, The Oprah Magazine, Oprah Radio, Oprah's Angel Network, Harpo Films and Oprah's Book Club
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey's Official Website - Live Your Best Life -
PBS and our member stations are America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. In addition, PBS's educational media helps prepare children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way.
We invite you to find out more about America’s largest public media enterprise.
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
Discovery Channel
Connecting to the iTunes Store. brings you free video and audio podcasts from NBC News, MSNBC TV and Watch or listen to your favorite news programming on your PC or portable player.
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Video: Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Surgery 101
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Short podcasts intended to serve as brief introductions or reviews of surgical topics for medical students. Every episode is divided into chapters and concludes with several key points to summarize the topic.
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This week Surgery 101 is hosting another excellent educational video produced by our amazing medical students from Edmonton.
The video is 'Laparoscopic Appendectomy', by Noah Switzer & Lillian Du.
(Video hosted by YouTube, produced by Switzer & Du, 2012)
Video: Laparoscopic Appendectomy
The Surgery 101 Study In this episode, Dr Jonathan White describes a study looking at how medical students use Surgery 101.
157. The Surgery 101 Study
In this episode, Dr. Niels Jacobsen discusses bladder cancer. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: • Describe the epidemiology and biology of bladder cancer • List the risk factors associated with bladder cancer • Describe the presentation, evaluation and staging of the patient who has bladder cancer • Outline treatment options for patients with bladder cancer
121. Bladder Cancer
In this episode, Dr Niels Jacobsen discusses renal cell carcinoma. After listening to this episode, learners will be able to: Outline the epidemiology, risk factors and genetics of renal cell carcinoma Describe the tumour biology and pathology of renal cell carcinoma Describe how patients present with renal cell carcinoma Outline how patients with the condition are diagnosed, staged and treated
120. Renal cell carcinoma
This week Surgery 101 is hosting another excellent educational video produced by one of our amazing medical students from Edmonton.
The video is 'How To Do A Proper Knee Exam', by Marc Curial.
(Video hosted by YouTube, produced by M Curial 2011)
Video: How To Do A Proper Knee Exam
This week Surgery 101 is hosting another excellent educational video produced by our amazing medical students in Edmonton.
The video is 'Three Interrupted Sutures', by Adam Hall & Kyle Rogan.
(Video hosted by YouTube, produced by Rogan & Hall 2012, music by Aphex Twin & Mozart used under fair use provisions for educational purposes)
Video: Three Interrupted Sutures
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White describes the process of making a Surgery 101 episode. Topics covered include:
· Where does the idea for an episode come from?
· Finding a speaker
· The script
· The recording
· Post-production editing, music and sound effects
· Upload, dissemination and monitoring
· Calls for new episodes
156. The Making of Surgery 101
I was recently interviewed by 'The Scalpel' this week, which is a newsletter produced by our medical school's undergraduate Surgery Club.
Other issues can be seen here:
What do you think is the appeal of surgical specialties as compared to medical specialties?
Hmmm. For me, I think it’s two things. Firstly, surgery gets things done, it makes an impact. We used to say “surgery is a doing word”, like it’s a verb. I mean, it makes a big difference for patients. You take out their appendix, they get better. You remove their cancer. You drain their infection. It’s not like prescribing a certain dose of a certain medicine and waiting to see what happens, and then adjusting the dose and waiting to see what happens again. I suppose there’s more instant gratification in surgery. The other thing is that it’s personal, you do it yourself, with your own hands. Of course, you work as part of a larger team of people, and you get to use cool instruments, but in the end it’s the surgeon who is the treatment. It’s you who’s making the difference, you’re doing the operation, you’re leading the team. That means when it goes well, you get a great sense of personal satisfaction, but when it goes badly that’s down to you too. How did you decide on your surgical specialty?
I’m a general surgeon at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, but most of my elective practice is focused on colorectal surgery, so I spend a lot of time operating on the bowel. Choosing a direction for my career was a difficult decision for me - when I was a student I thought I wanted to be a family doctor, but after I graduated I got bitten by the surgery bug right away. I think it was the great team I worked on, the pace, the excitement and the way that patients got better quickly! I wish I could say that I considered a lot of other options, but really I was a general surgeon from the start. I liked the variety of practice, so many different operations to learn and every day being different. I also liked being a generalist, seeing patients with undifferentiated problems and having to make up a management plan on the spot. I also like making decisions based on limited information – for instance for the acute abdomen - you know something has gone wrong in there, but you don’t know what, so you just have to get in there and make up a plan on the spot. I suppose it can be fun working in a smaller speciality or doing a smaller range of operations, but I kind of like the unplanned, chaotic nature of general surgery. I’m always looking for something different, saying “right, what’s next?” What does it take to be successful and happy in your specialty?
I’d say it’s the same as for any speciality. For a start, you have to be doing what you love, it doesn’t work if that’s not the case. If you’re like me, you’re getting up every morning looking forward to seeing what’s going to happen today. I’m not saying you won’t have down days now and then, but in general you’ve gotta love what I do. Second, you’ve gotta like your patients. If you’re saying “oh God, another patient with condition X”, you can’t really be happy. I’m like “hey, another person with hemorrhoids, I wonder what’s different about this one?” And really, people are fascinating anyway. So you gotta be a people person. Next, I think you need some variety in your work. Operating is fine, but you don’t want to do it every single day. That would be like working in a factory. I spend a lot of time teaching, running courses, supervising students and doing research in education, that’s where I get variety too. Next, you need to have some sort of balance, like have something outside of work. Your family, your hobbies, a life outside that has nothing to do with medicine. Sometimes you need to get away. We always used to say “what would you do with your life if you couldn’t be a surgeon any more? Start doing that a little now, just in case.” Lastly, I couldn’t b
Interview with the Surgeon - an excerpt from 'The Scalpel'
This week Surgery 101 is hosting another excellent educational video produced by our amazing medical students in Edmonton.
The video is 'Meniscectomy Operative Video', by Simon Byrns.
(Video hosted by YouTube, produced by Byrns 2012)
Video: Meniscectomy Operative Video
Here is a nice paper just published by Jin et al from the surgical education team at the University of Toronto, it's recommended reading!
"When cognitive resources reach their limit during critical and uncertain moments of an operation, the consumption of resources by the pressures of reputation and ego might interfere with the thought processes needed to execute the task at hand. Recognizing the effects of external social pressures may help the surgeon better self-regulate, respond mindfully to these pressures, and prevent surgical error."
Pressures to "Measure Up" in Surgery
The connection between surgeon ego and surgical error
Surgery 101 is kicking off 2013 with another excellent educational video produced by one of our amazing medical students from Edmonton.
Students work hard on their surgery rotations, so it's important to take some time to relax and to maintain your wellness, as Sharon Husak demonstrates in 'A Yoga Lesson in Surgery'. Happy stretching!
(Video hosted by YouTube, produced by S Husak 2012)
Video: Yoga for Surgery Students!
A special Christmas treat!
Here is another excellent educational video produced by our awesome medical students from Edmonton.
The video is 'How to Be a Good Surgical Student: Chris and Moe's Awesome Guide to Success', by Chris Dyte and Muhammed Dhalla.
(Video hosted by YouTube, produced by Dyte & Dhalla 2012)
Video: How to Be a Good Surgical Student: Chris and Moe's Awesome Guide to Success
Happy Holidays!
Dear Surgery 101 Friends
What a year 2012 has been – lots of adventures, plus we survived the Mayan Apocalypse!
This year has seen some big developments for the S101 team, and even more are coming in 2013.We wish all of our listeners around the world a happy and restful Christmas, and a peaceful and prosperous New Year!
Thanks for all your support, and see you in 2013!
Jonathan White
Merry Christmas from Surgery 101!
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White considers the ileo-anal pouch procedure for ulcerative colitis. After listening to this podcast, learners will be able to: • List the indications for IAPP surgery • Describe what information a patient needs to know about IAPP • Describe the functional outcomes of IAPP surgery
119. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 7 The Ileo-anal Pouch Procedure
Our paper on the use of written comments in assessing medical students has just been published! The full title is: “Using written comments in team-based assessment to better understand medical student performance: a mixed-methods study”
Here is the abstract:
Observation of the performance of medical students in the clinical environment is a key part of assessment and learning. To date, few authors have examined written comments provided to students and considered what aspects of observed performance they represent. The aim of this study was to examine the quantity and quality of written comments provided to medical students by different assessors using a team-based model of assessment, and to determine the aspects of medical student performance on which different assessors provide comments.
Medical students on a 7-week General Surgery & Anesthesiology clerkship received written comments on ‘Areas of Excellence’ and ‘Areas for Improvement’ from physicians, residents, nurses, patients, peers and administrators. Mixed-methods were used to analyze the quality and quantity of comments provided and to generate a conceptual framework of observed student performance.
1,068 assessors and 127 peers provided 2,988 written comments for 127 students, a median of 188 words per student divided into 26 “Areas of Excellence” and 5 “Areas for Improvement”. Physicians provided the most comments (918), followed by patients (692) and peers (586); administrators provided the fewest (91). The conceptual framework generated contained four major domains: ‘Student as Physician-in-Training’, ‘Student as Learner’, ‘Student as Team Member’, and ‘Student as Person.’
A wide range of observed medical student performance is recorded in written comments provided by members of the surgical healthcare team. Different groups of assessors provide comments on different aspects of student performance, suggesting that comments provided from a single viewpoint may potentially under-represent or overlook some areas of student performance. We hope that the framework presented here can serve as a basis to better understand what medical students do every day, and how they are perceived by those with whom they work.
The provisional PDF is up now at BMC Med Ed – enjoy!
“Who writes what?” Using written comments to understand medical student performance
In this episode, Dr Jonathan White considers surgery for ulcerative colitis. After listening to this podcast, learners will be able to: • List the emergent, urgent and planned indications for surgery in UC • Explain the difference between an abdominal colectomy and a panproctocolectomy • Describe the fate of the retained rectum in UC
118. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 6 Surgery for Ulcerative Colitis
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