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The Sanctuary Downtown

The Sanctuary Downtown

A Safe Place to be a Mess: To be a “mess” is unsafe. We’re all unsafe, all a mess – but we hide the mess, which is most unsafe. At “The Sanctuary” we surrender the “mess.” And God reveals that Christ has descended into our mess. He reveals himself in our mess. He is glorified in our mess - for a savior is most glorified where folks need saving. And He cleans up our mess. He is a safe place to be unsafe: a safe place to die and be born again.

A Real Church in this unReal World: Jesus is the Truth. We cannot arrive at the Truth with out being Truthful. We don’t want to “play church,” but be the real church. We’re like the stinky manger in which the Christ child is placed. When we’re honest about the mess, we can be honest about God’s Grace. We are the place in which the Christ is born.

A Place to Wrestle the Word: We mean by that, a biblical church. We believe the Scriptures are “authoritative on all matters to which they speak.” Jesus is The Word, who inhabits the written word, and uses that word to wrestle the lies from our hearts and his truth, Himself, into our hearts. Jacob wrestled the God-man and the God-man named him Israel. It means “Wrestles with God.” We wrestle with Jesus. He can be a bit scary, but He is always Good and He gives us a new name.
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