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Two Guys, One Movie

Two Guys, One Movie

At Two Guys, One Movie we strive to bring you the most up-to-date movie information in audio form. If you’re looking for strong opinions, some good laughs, and the occasional off-color comment, then tune-in to our weekly episodes.

Two Guys, One Movie isn’t just about podcasting, though. You’ll see the occasional blog post about some recent film news or even a full, written review of a film we recently saw. Our site is new (very new) so expect to see some changes in the future and we invite you to join us on this ride as we mold and shape Two Guys, One Movie into a place you will return to everyday.

Matt Galo and Justin Dubin are the co-founders, hosts, and writers of Two Guys, One Movie. Occasionally, the blog will feature special guest hosts and writers on the site to keep things fresh and exciting.
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