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Once a band are signed to a label, pumping out chart-topping albums and affiliated in any way with Pete Wentz, it's too late. As a fan seeking some semblance of scene cred, you would've needed to have known about that band years earlier, back when they were playing to six belligerent punks in partially burned-down arcades. Instead of putting yourself through all that, Alternative Press Magazine brings you the AP&R PODCAST--an hour-long exposure to buzzing unsigned bands who you can get on board with long before your friends (and more importantly: everyone else). AP web editor Tim Karan hosts the festivities with an almost unhealthy dose of self-reference and sarcasm, complete with tracks from bands you'll soon be hearing about everywhere, along with sage advice from AP&R bands who have gone onto big things. This show is your safeguard against ever being called a poseur. And that is worth its weight in downloads.
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