These podcasts and the website are dedicated to unfolding the many "Ways" to Self Realization / Enlightenment, including the knowledge and techniques that we need to live skillfully in “this” world with increasing awareness, health, strength, inspiration and love. We need to master the outer as well as the inner world!
The "I AM" of the universe, who some call God, non-dual pure consciousness and love, exists everywhere, at all times and places, and is in the heart of every human being. I believe that spiritually minded individuals, through self-effort and Grace, can directly experience and be consciously aware of the fullness and majesty of the non-dual infinite. By open-hearted and balanced living, through deep and flowing meditation, we can and should awaken to the knowledge that all is One. We are not human beings trying to have a spiritual experience with some relationship to a distant God, rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience. In fact, I would go one step further and say that our very essence, our spirit, is Divine and is "I AM". We are Satchitananda – pure consciousness, pure awareness and pure bliss. This is not some imagined fantasy. It is a very real experience!---------
The “Ways” to Enlightenment/Self Realization are many. Some are more direct, and some take a slightly longer route. Eventually, though, all will reach the goal, if the desire, the mumukshutva, is strong enough. It’s like climbing a mountain. It takes effort and discipline. And while you’re climbing, you can’t see the other climbers on the other side. Everyone is taking a different route, with some zig-zagging, some running straight up, and some perhaps meandering in a daze. But when you reach the summit, and breath the rarefied air of Self-Realization, you can easily see that all the climbers, in all their different ways and mind-sets, are approaching the top. All are welcome at the summit equally. ---------