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Gary James...Professional Social Theorist who discovered "The Mammalian Way" Law of nature, Author, Host... | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Gary James...Professional Social Theorist who discovered "The Mammalian Way" Law of nature, Author, Host... | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Topics include "Arts & Entertainment", Sex, Romance & Relationships, Internet Business, "Health & Wellness".......NEW SEGMENT: "SO WHAT IS THE MAMMALIAN WAY?" It's INSTINCTS common to all mammals that literally control human social behavior when we deal with the opposite sex. They are the main reason MOST RELATIONSHIPS FAIL OR NEVER TAKE ROOT! Learn how mother nature's secrets can work for you or against you. Want More peace of mind, more pleasure-less pain? Go to for more me at MEN HAVE MAJOR BEHAVIOR ISSUES THAT DEVELOPED OVER TIME...THE UNDERLYING REASON MEN ARE BECOMING LESS DESIRABLE FOR RELATIONSHIPS IS EMBODIED IN THEIR "INSTINCTS." READ MY BOOK, LISTEN TO MY AUDIO SERIES AND LEARN HOW TO PROMPT HIM TO WILLINGLY BECOME AN HONORABLE MAN WHO PUTS HIS WOMAN FIRST! IT'S EASY TO DO ONCE YOU KNOW MOTHER NATURE'S SECRETS...WWW.THEMAMMALIANWAY.COM
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