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Skip Hunt's Phlog (Phone Blog)

Skip Hunt's Phlog (Phone Blog)

This podcast will vary from being general musings, to ambient sound captures, to travel reports from the road, to virtual sidekick field photography sessions.

Skip Hunt is a wandering, wondering artist who travels, photographs, films and writes about adventure online. Here's a short bio from his fine art print site:

'I make images... so that all my moments will not be lost in time like tears in rain.' ~ Skip Hunt

Skip Hunt, born on the wind-swept plains of Oklahoma, is a professional photographer in Austin, Texas. He picked up a 35mm camera in the mid-1970's and has never stopped sharing his unique vision via photographic images.

Many moons ago, he was bitten hard by the wanderlust beast and has been canvassing the globe ever since. Visionary artists such as Pete Turner, David Lynch, Cindy Sherman, and Andre Kertesz set Skip's sight on a fine-art horizon early on. His insatiable thirst for rich color and even richer cultural exploration keeps him on the road most of the time. When he's recharging his batteries, he calls Austin, Texas home.

Please Enjoy!

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