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Mr. Brown is a middle-aged handicapped black man in a wheel chair. He endlessly listens to music, reads books and looks out the window to oversee the roofs of neighboring houses in Harlem. Nothing breaks his monotonous loneliness except for the visits of two helpers - a young Russian woman-social worker and a young black man-home attendant – who merely do their duties. But in Mr. Brown’s imagination they all have a passionate affair. The home attendant loves the social worker but is very jealous of her because she is madly in love with Mr. Brown, and Mr. Brown himself is in love with the home attendant-boy. These “relationships” develop gradually over continuous visits of two helpers. And in Mr. Brown’s world their passion is expressed through the dance. Unable to withstand the energy of love and possession Mr. Brown kills the home attendant and sinks into a prison of his loneliness and wheel chair.
Mister brown
Accent Works
Claire Sweeney and her army of helpers surprise deserving people and everyday heroes across the country with a stunning home makeover. In each episode, one deserving person nominated will get the surprise home makeover of a lifetime.
60 Minute Makeover
In a retelling of "The Elves and the Shoemaker", a mediator shows up to make things right when a poor guy becomes greedy and exploitative toward some happy helpers.
The Elves and the Shoemaker
They say a dog is (wo)man's best friend, but in this reel, so are ducks and donkeys! From mountain rescue to babysitting wild cats, these helpers are at the ready to lend a wing, hoof, or paw.
Five Stories About Feathered and Furry Animal Helpers
This podcast, produced by a mom of a boy with autism, provides free or inexpensive strategies that parents can do at home to improve their quality of life. Play and engagement, eating and sleeping tips, vacations, visual helpers, sensory diets, goal-setting are some of the topics that will be covered.
For free, downloadable files that accompany this podcast, including visual helpers, please see Thank you for visiting!
Living Well With Autism
Gayle Erwin's radio program in its entirety, devoted to informing you about and expressing the Nature of Jesus. That Nature is best defined in a number of statements Jesus made about himself in response to apostolic arguments about what it meant to be greatest in the kingdom. That list has captured our lives and is the main focus of what we do and what this page is all about, which is why we consider ourselves under contract with God to give you this information. We now give you this list, formed from the Gospels and Philippians 2:5-11, as well as some other lists that have come out of the understanding of the Nature of Jesus --
The Nature of Jesus:
1. Servant
2. Not Lord It over Others
3. Lead by Example
4. Humble
5. As A Child
6. As the Younger
7. As the Least
8. Last
9. Used No Force on Us
10. Was Not Driven by Selfish Ambition
11. Made Himself of No Reputation
12. Was Fully Human
13. Obedient
14. Unto Death --
Everything we say, publish or do, we try to conform to this list. When we fail, forgive us, but at least know what our goal is. This list is also the core of the book, The Jesus Style.
Knowing this about Jesus opened our eyes to the incredible Grace of the Father, since Jesus said that when you had seen Him you had seen the Father. This initiated a search for the ways the Father had tried to reveal himself, just as Jesus did in the "Greatest in the Kingdom" teachings. What we found sent us into an orbit of joy and became the basis for the second book, The Father Style. We now give you God the Father's description of himself as found in Exodus 34:6 --
The Nature of God the Father:
1. Compassionate
2. Gracious
3. Slow to Anger
4. Abounding in Mercy
5. Abounding in Faithfulness
6. Maintaining Love to Thousands
7. Forgiving Wickedness, Rebellion and Sin
8. Punishing Only Those Who Hate Him --
Since this awesome Nature of God the Father and the Son breathes grace and mercy, it only follows that the Holy Spirit would follow in the same pattern. Our research put us in permanent orbit as we discovered that the executive action of the Holy Spirit totally fulfilled the prophecies and Nature of Jesus. In fact, the lists of the action of the Holy Spirit seemed to explode with all the Father and Son were and became the core of the third book, The Spirit Style. We give those lists to you here --
Prophecies of Jesus about the Holy Spirit:
1. Comforter
2. Abide, live with us forever
3. Spirit of Truth
4. Dwell in Us
5. Teacher
6. Testify of Jesus
7. Convict World of Sin
8. Convict World of Righteousness
9. Convict World of Judgment
10. Guide Us into All Truth
11. Not Speak of Himself
12. Show Us Things to Come
13. Glorify Jesus --
The Anointing of the Spirit:
1. Preach Good News to the Poor
2. Heal the Brokenhearted
3. Proclaim Freedom for the Captives
4. Release from Darkness for Prisoners
5. Proclaim the Season of God's Favor
6. Day of Vengeance of our God
7. Comfort All Who Mourn
8. Provide for Those Who Grieve
9. Beauty for Ashes
10. Oil of Joy for Mourning
11. Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness
12. Trees of Righteousness, the Planting of the Lord --
The Fruit of the Spirit:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self-control --
The Giftings of God:
1. Wisdom
2. Knowledge
3. Faith
4. Healing
5. Miracles
6. Prophecy
7. Discernment
8. Speaking in Tongues
9. Interpretation of Tongues
10. Apostles
11. Prophets
12. Evangelists
13. Pastors
14. Teachers
15. Helpers
16. Service
17. Encouraging
18. Contributing
19. Leadership
20. Mercy --
As you can see, we have enough to keep us busy for this lifetime; we strongly urge you to download and review this page, , and get a fresh view of the awesome grace and mercy of our God and revel in the joy of knowledge of Him and relationship with Him.
-- Gayle D. Erwin
"The Jesus Style" Radio Program
Gayle is a premier teller of true stories. These stories are handles to help you grasp and understand the Nature of Jesus. That Nature is best defined in several statements Jesus made about himself in response to apostolic arguments about what it meant to be greatest in the kingdom. That list has captured our lives and is the main focus of what we do and what this page is all about, which is why we consider ourselves under contract with God to give you this information. We now give you this list, formed from the Gospels and Philippians 2:5-11, as well as some other lists that have come out of the understanding of the Nature of Jesus --
The Nature of Jesus:
1. Servant
2. Not Lord It over Others
3. Lead by Example
4. Humble
5. As A Child
6. As the Younger
7. As the Least
8. Last
9. Used No Force on Us
10. Was Not Driven by Selfish Ambition
11. Made Himself of No Reputation
12. Was Fully Human
13. Obedient
14. Unto Death --
Everything we say, publish or do, we try to conform to this list. When we fail, forgive us, but at least know what our goal is. This list is also the core of the book, The Jesus Style.
Knowing this about Jesus opened our eyes to the incredible Grace of the Father, since Jesus said that when you had seen Him you had seen the Father. This initiated a search for the ways the Father had tried to reveal himself, just as Jesus did in the "Greatest in the Kingdom" teachings. What we found sent us into an orbit of joy and became the basis for the second book, The Father Style. We now give you God the Father's description of himself as found in Exodus 34:6 --
The Nature of God the Father:
1. Compassionate
2. Gracious
3. Slow to Anger
4. Abounding in Mercy
5. Abounding in Faithfulness
6. Maintaining Love to Thousands
7. Forgiving Wickedness, Rebellion and Sin
8. Punishing Only Those Who Hate Him --
Since this awesome Nature of God the Father and the Son breathes grace and mercy, it only follows that the Holy Spirit would follow in the same pattern. Our research put us in permanent orbit as we discovered that the executive action of the Holy Spirit totally fulfilled the prophecies and Nature of Jesus. In fact, the lists of the action of the Holy Spirit seemed to explode with all the Father and Son were and became the core of the third book, The Spirit Style. We give those lists to you here --
Prophecies of Jesus about the Holy Spirit:
1. Comforter
2. Abide, live with us forever
3. Spirit of Truth
4. Dwell in Us
5. Teacher
6. Testify of Jesus
7. Convict World of Sin
8. Convict World of Righteousness
9. Convict World of Judgment
10. Guide Us into All Truth
11. Not Speak of Himself
12. Show Us Things to Come
13. Glorify Jesus --
The Anointing of the Spirit:
1. Preach Good News to the Poor
2. Heal the Brokenhearted
3. Proclaim Freedom for the Captives
4. Release from Darkness for Prisoners
5. Proclaim the Season of God's Favor
6. Day of Vengeance of our God
7. Comfort All Who Mourn
8. Provide for Those Who Grieve
9. Beauty for Ashes
10. Oil of Joy for Mourning
11. Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness
12. Trees of Righteousness, the Planting of the Lord --
The Fruit of the Spirit:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self-control --
The Giftings of God:
1. Wisdom
2. Knowledge
3. Faith
4. Healing
5. Miracles
6. Prophecy
7. Discernment
8. Speaking in Tongues
9. Interpretation of Tongues
10. Apostles
11. Prophets
12. Evangelists
13. Pastors
14. Teachers
15. Helpers
16. Service
17. Encouraging
18. Contributing
19. Leadership
20. Mercy --
If you choose not to look at any other pages of our Web site,, we strongly urge you to download this page,, and get a fresh view of the awesome grace and mercy of our God and revel in the joy of knowledge of Him and relationship with Him.
-- Gayle D. Erwin
A Story A Week
Gayle Erwin travels around the globe playing, as he puts it, "the one string on my guitar." That "one string" is the Nature of Jesus, a message developed over a lifetime of study and experience -- a simple message of servant lifestyle for this complex age. Gayle's varied background fuels a wealth of parables and anecdotes and gives handles to the experiences of the Bible. He states that the richness of his life is like living one lifetime every ten years. This weekly podcast is devoted to informing you about and expressing the Nature of Jesus. That Nature is best defined in a number of statements Jesus made about himself in response to apostolic arguments about what it meant to be greatest in the kingdom, summarized in this list formed from the Gospels and Philippians 2:5-11, as well as some other lists that have come out of the understanding of the Nature of Jesus: The Nature of Jesus -- 1. Servant 2. Not Lord It over Others 3. Lead by Example 4. Humble 5. As A Child 6. As the Younger 7. As the Least 8. Last 9. Used No Force on Us 10. Was Not Driven by Selfish Ambition 11. Made Himself of No Reputation 12. Was Fully Human 13. Obedient 14. Unto Death -- Everything we say, publish or do, we try to conform to this list. When we fail, forgive us, but at least know what our goal is. This list is also the core of the book, The Jesus Style. Knowing this about Jesus opened our eyes to the incredible Grace of the Father, since Jesus said that when you had seen Him you had seen the Father. This initiated a search for the ways the Father had tried to reveal himself, just as Jesus did in the "Greatest in the Kingdom" teachings. What we found sent us into an orbit of joy and became the basis for the second book, The Father Style. We now give you God the Father's description of himself as found in Exodus 34:6: The Nature of God the Father -- 1. Compassionate 2. Gracious 3. Slow to Anger 4. Abounding in Mercy 5. Abounding in Faithfulness 6. Maintaining Love to Thousands 7. Forgiving Wickedness, Rebellion and Sin 8. Punishing Only Those Who Hate Him -- Since this awesome Nature of God the Father and the Son breathes grace and mercy, it only follows that the Holy Spirit would follow in the same pattern. Our research put us in permanent orbit as we discovered that the executive action of the Holy Spirit totally fulfilled the prophecies and Nature of Jesus. In fact, the lists of the action of the Holy Spirit seemed to explode with all the Father and Son were and became the core of the third book, The Spirit Style. We give those lists to you here: Prophecies of Jesus about the Holy Spirit -- 1. Comforter 2. Abide, live with us forever 3. Spirit of Truth 4. Dwell in Us 5. Teacher 6. Testify of Jesus 7. Convict World of Sin 8. Convict World of Righteousness 9. Convict World of Judgment 10. Guide Us into All Truth 11. Not Speak of Himself 12. Show Us Things to Come 13. Glorify Jesus -- The Anointing of the Spirit -- 1. Preach Good News to the Poor 2. Heal the Brokenhearted 3. Proclaim Freedom for the Captives 4. Release from Darkness for Prisoners 5. Proclaim the Season of God's Favor 6. Day of Vengeance of our God 7. Comfort All Who Mourn 8. Provide for Those Who Grieve 9. Beauty for Ashes 10. Oil of Joy for Mourning 11. Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness 12. Trees of Righteousness, the Planting of the Lord -- The Fruit of the Spirit -- 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Patience 5. Kindness 6. Goodness 7. Faithfulness 8. Gentleness 9. Self-control -- The Giftings of God -- 1. Wisdom 2. Knowledge 3. Faith 4. Healing 5. Miracles 6. Prophecy 7. Discernment 8. Speaking in Tongues 9. Interpretation of Tongues 10. Apostles 11. Prophets 12. Evangelists 13. Pastors 14. Teachers 15. Helpers 16. Service 17. Encouraging 18. Contributing 19. Leadership 20. Mercy
The One-String Guitar
Welcome to the number one HomeCare Agency in Southern Nevada. Let's talk about services that help our seniors, working parents and people with disability stay home independent.
Home Helpers | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Due to conflicts in my travel and business scheduling, the Computer Helpers Support Radio shows are temporarily suspended until September 2009. We will be back with new editions at that time. Please enjoy the archival shows in the meantime. Almost 8500 listeners.
ComputerHelpersSupportRadio | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Здесь вы найдете для своих почемучек обучающие видео-уроки, с помощью которых можно освоить алфавит, чтение, арифметику, основы рисования и многое другое. Веселые песенки, яркие картинки и сказочные герои станут настоящими помощниками для ваших малышей в освоении интересного материала.
Видео-уроки созданы на основе самых популярных методик раннего развития ребенка, где ИГРА, ФАНТАЗИЯ И СОВМЕСТНОЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВО исполняют решающую функцию воспитания личности ребенка!
Мы советуем вам хороший источник информации, хорошие фотографии. Этот материал положит начало для создания электронной энциклопедии для раннего развития вашего ребенка.
Мы постарались наполнить свой канал наиболее интересными материалами, которые призваны помогать родителям в ежедневной работе над воспитанием и обучением дошкольников.
Развей, развивающие, развивающие для детей, развивающие игры, игры развей, развивающие мультики, развивающие игры для детей, Мультики, развивающие мультфильмы,
Мелодрама (от др.-греч. μέλος — песня и δρᾶμα — действие) — жанр художественной литературы, театрального искусства и кинематографа, произведения которого раскрывают духовный и чувственный мир героев в особенно ярких эмоциональных обстоятельствах на основе контрастов: добро и зло, любовь и ненависть и т. п.
Русские Мелодрамы
AccentWorks feature films are uniquely touching. Whether drawn from the realms of fantasy or based on harsh reality, each film captures moving and inspiring stories. With talented actors and seamless scripts, each plot is brought to life with care and compassion. Priority to AccentWorks is developing artistic excellence, and truth in each film. The world of independent films offers freedom but demands responsibility, the courage and vision to produce groundbreaking work.
Accent Works
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